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New fingerprint evidence for female potters in Late Bronze Age Canaan: The demographics of potters and division of labour at Tel Burna
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101533
Jon Ross , Kent D. Fowler , Itzhaq Shai

Techno-stylistic studies in ceramic analysis have largely focused on characterising production groups, based on the similarity of various objects and how they were made. The demographics of potters and the division of labour often remain enigmatic in current chaîne opératoire research. A growing number of biometric studies have demonstrated the potential of fingerprints preserved on ceramic surfaces for classifying the age and sex of potters. In this paper, we use a recently introduced identification matrix to model labour divisions based on 52 fingerprints preserved on a diverse range of objects from the Late Bronze Age II stratum at Tel Burna. The sample includes objects from the recently exposed cultic enclosure. Based on broad ethnographic considerations, women were the principal potters in Canaanite society. Our study tests this hypothesis with regards to who made pottery for cultic use. We identify patterns in age categories and a sexual division of labour for the manufacture of select objects and vessel types. The results lead us to discuss possible effects of imperialism on labour organisation. We provide the first compelling insights into the social relations of pottery production at a time when Egypt exercised hegemony over the city-states of the Southern Levant.



陶瓷分析中的技术风格研究主要集中在根据各种物体及其制造方式的相似性来描述生产组的特征。在当前的连锁歌剧院研究中,陶工的人口统计和劳动分工往往仍然是个谜。越来越多的生物识别研究表明,保留在陶瓷表面的指纹可用于对陶艺者的年龄和性别进行分类。在本文中,我们使用最近引入的识别矩阵来模拟基于青铜时代晚期各种物体上保存的 52 个指纹的劳动分工Tel Burna 的 II 层。该样本包括来自最近暴露的邪教围场的物品。基于广泛的民族志考虑,妇女是迦南社会的主要陶艺家。我们的研究检验了关于是谁制造了用于宗教用途的陶器的假设。我们确定年龄类别的模式和性别分工,以制造选定的物品和容器类型。结果引导我们讨论帝国主义对劳工组织可能产生的影响。我们首次对埃及对南黎凡特城邦行使霸权时期陶器生产的社会关系提供了令人信服的见解
