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English Learners’ Performance on a Measure of Dyslexia Risk
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12316
Laura V. Rhinehart 1 , Rebecca J. M. Gotlieb 1

Many schools now screen students for dyslexia in early grades. However, there are valid concerns that these screeners may be biased or ineffective at screening students who are not yet proficient in English (i.e., English Learners; ELs). The present study examined the performance of 54 first graders on a dyslexia screener. Results showed that students who were ELs performed similarly to their peers who were proficient in English on many literacy subskills. Additionally, we found that EL students were not significantly more likely to be “flagged” as at risk for dyslexia. These findings have practical implications for using universal screeners to identify students, including students who are designated ELs, as being at risk for learning disabilities, including dyslexia.



许多学校现在在低年级时就对学生进行阅读障碍筛查。然而,人们确实担心这些筛选人员在筛选尚未精通英语的学生(即英语学习者;EL)时可能存在偏见或无效。本研究调查了 54 名一年级学生在阅读障碍筛查仪上的表现。结果显示,EL 学生在许多读写技能方面的表现与精通英语的同龄人相似。此外,我们发现 EL 学生被“标记”为有阅读障碍风险的可能性并没有明显增加。这些发现对于使用通用筛选器来识别学生(包括被指定为 EL 的学生)具有学习障碍(包括阅读障碍)风险的实际意义。