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Beyond the Critical Review: Examining Wu Mi’s “A Response to the New Culture Movement”
Chinese Studies in History ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1080/00094633.2023.2235218
Qu Jun


The writings of Wu Mi (吳宓) and other scholars of the Critical Review (Xueheng) group can be considered within the context of both their journal and beyond. In 1922, Wu Mi wrote an essay outside of Critical Review, entitled “A Response to the New Culture Movement.” Most people only know of the essay through Lu Xun’s 魯迅 criticism of it in “A Doctrine of Inclusiveness.” Because Wu Mi’s reputation has been overshadowed by Lu Xun’s prominence, the essay itself is actually relatively unknown. This article analyzes and discusses the impact of “A Response to the New Culture Movement” beyond Lu Xun’s reaction to it. Wu Mi’s understanding of the New Culture Movement as exhibited in the article, as well as the untimeliness of its publication, helps us understand Wu Mi and the Critical Review group through a wider lens.




