Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1017/jbr.2023.46 Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid
This article begins the work of recovering and understanding children's unique experiences during the Irish Revolution by exploring the history of a diverse group of children and young people bound together by their fathers’ politics during and after the 1916 Easter Rising. In tracing the children of the executed and martyred rebel leaders of the Easter Rising, I seek to challenge and extend the way trauma has been conceptualized and applied by historians of Ireland's revolution, instead arguing that the methodologies of the history of emotions and experience offer more fruitful terrain to explore. In this way, trauma is not an essentializing state of being but instead is navigated, renegotiated, and resurfaced throughout one's life, frequently into old age. Leaning into the inherent uncertainty that writing about children's emotional experiences entails, I read into, across, and against fragmentary and diverse sources to recover the stories of these children who were plunged into national prominence by their fathers’ executions. I also acknowledge my own emotional response to these children's stories and seek to explore the methodological value of this affect in the archive for historians of the Irish Revolution.

国家孤儿和国家创伤:1916 年复活节起义烈士的经历、情感和孩子
本文通过探索 1916 年复活节起义期间及之后因父亲的政治而将不同群体的儿童和年轻人联系在一起的历史,开始恢复和理解爱尔兰革命期间儿童的独特经历。在追寻复活节起义中被处决和殉难的叛军领导人的孩子时,我试图挑战和扩展爱尔兰革命历史学家对创伤的概念化和应用方式,而不是认为情感和经验史的方法论提供了更多信息。富饶的地形可供探索。这样,创伤就不再是一种本质化的存在状态,而是在人的一生中(经常到晚年)被引导、重新协商和重新浮现。为了探究书写儿童情感经历所带来的内在不确定性,我阅读、跨越和反对零碎和多样化的资料,以恢复这些因父亲被处决而声名鹊起的孩子的故事。我也承认我自己对这些儿童故事的情感反应,并试图在爱尔兰革命历史学家的档案中探索这种情感的方法论价值。