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Reflexive analytic causatives: a diachronic analysis of transitivity parameters
English Language & Linguistics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s136067432300028x

The present study is an exploration of the field of analytic causatives. It focuses on reflexive constructions with bring, cause, make and force. The analysis builds on Mondorf & Schneider's (2016) finding that causative bring has specialized to modal-negated-reflexive uses. It explores whether this emerging constraint reduces overlap with other causatives. A second focal point is on the nature of the constructions’ constraints. The article applies Hopper & Thompson's (1980) concept of transitivity as a cline. Employing the same 76-million-word corpus as Mondorf & Schneider (2016), which consists of fiction from the fifteenth to the twentieth century, the article shows that reflexive uses of analytic causatives have almost quadrupled over the past 500 years. Results confirm that bring is the only reflexive causative strongly associated with modal and negated contexts. Furthermore, some of the constructions display characteristic transitivity profiles.



本研究是对分析因果领域的探索。它侧重于带有“bring”、“ cause ”、 “ make ”和“force”的自反结构。该分析建立在 Mondorf & Schneider (2016) 的发现之上,即使役Bring专门用于情态否定反身用途。它探讨了这种新出现的限制是否减少了与其他原因的重叠。第二个焦点是结构限制的性质。本文应用 Hopper & Thompson (1980) 的及物性概念作为斜线。该文章采用与 Mondorf & Schneider (2016) 相同的 7600 万单词语料库(其中包含 15 世纪至 20 世纪的小说),表明分析使役的反射性使用在过去 500 年中几乎翻了两番。结果证实,bring是唯一与情态和否定语境密切相关的反身原因。此外,一些结构显示出特有的传递性轮廓。
