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Regular solutions of chemotaxis-consumption systems involving tensor-valued sensitivities and Robin type boundary conditions
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-22 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218202523400055
Jaewook Ahn 1 , Kyungkeun Kang 2 , Jihoon Lee 3

This paper deals with a parabolic–elliptic chemotaxis-consumption system with tensor-valued sensitivity S(x,n,c) under no-flux boundary conditions for n and Robin-type boundary conditions for c. The global existence of bounded classical solutions is established in dimension two under general assumptions on tensor-valued sensitivity S. One of the main steps is to show that c(,t) becomes tiny in L2(Br(x)Ω) for every xΩ¯ and t when r is sufficiently small, which seems to be of independent interest. On the other hand, in the case of scalar-valued sensitivity S=χ(x,n,c)𝕀, there exists a bounded classical solution globally in time for two and higher dimensions provided the domain is a ball with radius R and all given data are radial. The result of the radial case covers scalar-valued sensitivity χ that can be singular at c=0.


涉及张量值敏感性和 Robin 型边界条件的趋化消耗系统的正则解

本文讨论具有张量值灵敏度的抛物线-椭圆趋化消耗系统SX,n,C在无通量边界条件下n和 Robin 型边界条件C。在张量值敏感性的一般假设下,在第二维中建立了有界经典解的全局存在性S。主要步骤之一是证明C,t变得很小L2rXΩ对于每一个XεΩt什么时候r足够小,这似乎具有独立的利益。另一方面,在标量值灵敏度的情况下S=χX,n,C𝕀,如果域是具有半径的球,则对于二维及更高维度,存在全局及时有界经典解所有给定的数据都是径向的。径向情况的结果涵盖了标量值灵敏度χ可以是单数的C=0
