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More than Measurement Error: Discrepant Reporting of Contraceptive Use and the Role of Wives’ and Husbands’ Educational Attainment
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-22 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12249
Elyse A Jennings 1 , Rachael S Pierotti 2

This paper describes discrepancies in spouses’ reports of the use of female-controlled, nonvisible contraceptive methods using data from rural Nepal that were collected monthly from both spouses of 822 couples between 2008 and 2016. We find that spouses in about half of couples provided discrepant reports during the period of observation, and these discrepancies occurred in 14 percent of the months of observation. We then investigate these discrepant reports as possible indicators of incomplete transparency regarding reproductive choices and examine whether they are associated with wives’ education and spouses’ relative education levels. We find, first, that wife's educational attainment was negatively associated with discrepant reports of contraceptive use, independent of spouses’ relative educational attainment. At the same time, these models suggest that educational differences between husbands and wives were associated with discrepant reports. Couples in which wives had more education than their husbands faced greater odds of discrepant reports of contraceptive use, relative to couples in which spouses had similar education. Among couples in which husbands had more education than wives odds of wife-only reporting were lower, relative to couples with similar levels of education. These findings offer important new insights into spousal dynamics that may influence transparency regarding contraceptive use.



本文使用尼泊尔农村地区 2008 年至 2016 年间每月从 822 对夫妇的配偶双方收集的数据,描述了配偶关于使用女性控制的隐形避孕方法的报告中的差异。我们发现,大约一半的夫妇的配偶提供的数据存在差异。观察期间的报告,这些差异出现在观察月份的 14% 中。然后,我们调查这些不一致的报告,将其作为生育选择不完全透明度的可能指标,并检查它们是否与妻子的教育程度和配偶的相对教育水平有关。首先,我们发现,妻子的受教育程度与避孕药具使用报告的差异呈负相关,与配偶的相对受教育程度无关。与此同时,这些模型表明,丈夫和妻子之间的教育差异与报告的差异有关。与配偶受教育程度相似的夫妇相比,妻子受教育程度高于丈夫的夫妇在避孕药具使用情况报告方面存在差异的可能性更大。在丈夫受教育程度高于妻子的夫妇中,与受教育程度相似的夫妇相比,仅由妻子报告的几率较低。这些发现为配偶动态提供了重要的新见解,可能会影响避孕药具使用的透明度。