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SnF2-Doped Cs2SnI6 Ordered Vacancy Double Perovskite for Photovoltaic Applications
Solar RRL ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-22 , DOI: 10.1002/solr.202300165
Rubaiya Murshed 1 , Sarah Thornton 1 , Curtis Walkons 1 , Jung Jae Koh 2 , Shubhra Bansal 1, 3

Air-stable p-type SnF2:Cs2SnI6 with a bandgap of 1.6 eV has been demonstrated as a promising material for Pb-free halide perovskite solar cells. Crystalline Cs2SnI6 phase is obtained with CsI, SnI2, and SnF2 salts in gamma-butyrolactone solvent, but not with dimethyl sulfoxide and N,N-dimethylformamide solvents. Cs2SnI6 is found to be stable for at least 1000 h at 100 °C when dark annealed in nitrogen atmosphere. In this study, Cs2SnI6 has been used in a superstrate n–i–p planar device structure enabled by a spin-coated absorber thickness of ≈2 μm on a chemical bath deposited Zn(O,S) electron transport layer. The best device power conversion efficiency reported here is 5.18% with VOC of 0.81 V, 9.28 mA cm−2 JSC, and 68% fill factor. The dark saturation current and diode ideality factor are estimated as 1.5 × 10−3 mA cm−2 and 2.18, respectively. The devices exhibit a high VOC deficit and low short-circuit current density due to high bulk and interface recombination. Device efficiency can be expected to increase with improvement in material and interface quality, charge transport, and device engineering.


用于光伏应用的 SnF2 掺杂 Cs2SnI6 有序空位双钙钛矿

带隙为1.6 eV的空气稳定p型SnF 2 :Cs 2 SnI 6已被证明是一种有前景的无铅卤化物钙钛矿太阳能电池材料。结晶Cs 2 SnI 6相是用CsI、SnI 2和SnF 2盐在γ-丁内酯溶剂中获得的,但不是用二甲基亚砜和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺溶剂获得的。研究发现,当在氮气气氛中进行暗退火时, Cs 2 SnI 6在 100 °C 下可稳定至少 1000 小时。本研究中,Cs 2 SnI 6已用于超基板 n-i-p 平面器件结构,该结构通过在化学浴沉积的 Zn(O,S) 电子传输层上旋涂厚度约 2 μm 的吸收体实现。这里报道的最佳器件功率转换效率为 5.18%,VOC0.81 V、9.28 mA cm -2 J SC和 68% 填充因子。暗饱和电流和二极管理想因子估计分别为1.5 × 10 -3  mA cm -2和2.18。该器件表现出高V OC 由于高体积和界面复合而导致缺陷和低短路电流密度。随着材料和界面质量、电荷传输和器件工程的改进,器件效率有望提高。