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Effect of CS2 and CO2 adsorption on the thermally-induced spin crossover in ferrous nitroprussides. Nature of the guest-host interactions
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.132114
K. Scanda , Y. Avila , R. Mojica , R. Amaro , B. Portales-Martínez , M. González , M. Avila , B.D. Moreno , E. Reguera

Tuning physical and functional properties in porous solids by introducing guest species in their framework is an attractive research area in functional materials. Such a possibility is realizable in spin-crossover (SCO) materials, where an external stimulus induces the spin transition. 2D ferrous nitroprusside pillared with organic ligands forms a novel series of porous solids with SCO behavior. This study reports the effect of CS2 and CO2 adsorption on the thermally-induced SCO in 2D ferrous nitroprusside with pyrazine, pyridine, 3-fluor pyridine, 4-methyl pyridine, and 4-pyridine carboxaldehyde as pillar molecules. The adsorption of CS2 and CO2 in the framework of these five materials produces relevant changes in the temperature values where the spin transition is observed and the kinetic effects of that process. The nature of the guest-host interactions was elucidated using IR and Mössbauer spectroscopies, XRD structural analysis of the guest-host systems, and SQUID magnetic measurements. That experimental study was complemented by computational calculations, using the VASP software package, of the most stable structure for the materials with and without the presence of the guest species in the host framework. The adsorption forces for these two guest molecules in the considered solids are related to electrostatic guest-host interactions in the interlayer region. No similar study has been reported for the effect of guest species on the SCO properties of ferrous nitroprussides.


CS2 和 CO2 吸附对硝普亚铁中热致自旋交叉的影响。宾主互动的性质

通过在多孔固体的框架中引入客体物种来调节多孔固体的物理和功能特性是功能材料中一个有吸引力的研究领域。这种可能性在自旋交叉(SCO)材料中是可以实现的,其中外部刺激会引起自旋跃迁。以有机配体为支柱的二维硝普亚铁形成了一系列具有 SCO 行为的新型多孔固体。本研究报告了CS 2和CO 2吸附对以吡嗪、吡啶、3-氟吡啶、4-甲基吡啶和4-吡啶甲醛为支柱分子的二维硝普亚铁中热诱导SCO的影响。CS 2和CO 2的吸附在这五种材料的框架内,会产生观察到自旋跃迁的温度值的相关变化以及该过程的动力学效应。使用红外光谱和穆斯堡尔光谱、客体-主系统的 XRD 结构分析和 SQUID磁性测量阐明了客体-主体相互作用的本质该实验研究通过使用VASP 的计算进行了补充软件包,对于在主框架中存在或不存在客体物种的材料具有最稳定的结构。所考虑的固体中这两种客体分子的吸附力与层间区域中的静电客体-主体相互作用有关。目前还没有关于客体物种对硝普亚铁 SCO 性质影响的类似研究报道。
