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State Capacity, Property Rights, and External Revenues: Haiti, 1932–1949
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050723000220
Craig Palsson

External revenues blunt investments in fiscal capacity. But how do external revenues affect investments in legal capacity? In a simple model of state capacity investment, external revenues should be positively correlated with investments in legal capacity. But this implication could flip if fiscal capacity lowers the cost of legal capacity investments. I test the model by looking at Haiti in 1942 when U.S. mobilization caused a negative shock to external revenues. Contrary to the basic model, the shock led to an increase in legal capacity. This puzzle is explained by institutions that tied fiscal and legal capacity investments.


国家能力、财产权和外部收入:海地,1932 年至 1949 年

外部收入削弱了财政能力的投资。但外部收入如何影响法律能力投资呢?在国家能力投资的简单模型中,外部收入应与法律能力投资正相关。但如果财政能力降低了法律能力投资的成本,这种影响可能会发生逆转。我通过观察 1942 年的海地来测试这个模型,当时美国的动员对外部收入造成了负面冲击。与基本模式相反,冲击导致了法律能力的增加。这个难题可以通过将财政和法律能力投资挂钩的机构来解释。
