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Different forms of students’ motivation and musical creativity in secondary school
British Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265051723000232
Roberto Cremades-Andreu , Carlos Lage-Gómez

Student motivation has been conceived as a crucial factor in the learning processes. However, research in motivation and creative learning in the secondary education music classroom has been limited. Student motivation is explored in this article through a collaborative action research study, in the form of several projects centred on the creation of music through group improvisation and cooperative composition, conducted over the course of five 1-year cycles, from 2008 to 2013. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the aspects determining student motivation during creative learning processes. Three secondary schools in the region of Madrid (Spain), eleven third-year secondary school classes (n = 267), teachers, researchers and artists participated in the study. Data were gathered through participant and non-participant observations, interviews, a classroom diary, and a questionnaire. In the findings, six intrinsically linked connected forms of motivation are grouped in three levels and are related to different factors emerged during the teaching and learning processes and connected to creativity.



学生的动机被认为是学习过程中的一个关键因素。然而,关于中等教育音乐课堂动机和创造性学习的研究仍然有限。本文通过协作行动研究探讨了学生的动机,该研究的形式是几个项目,这些项目的重点是通过小组即兴创作和合作作曲来创作音乐,这些项目在 2008 年至 2013 年的五个 1 年周期中进行。这项研究的目的是更深入地了解创造性学习过程中决定学生动机的因素。马德里地区(西班牙)的三所中学、中学三年级十一个班级(n = 267)、教师、研究人员和艺术家参与了这项研究。通过参与者和非参与者观察、访谈、课堂日记和问卷收集数据。研究结果中,六种内在联系的动机形式分为三个层次,与教学过程中出现的不同因素有关,并与创造力有关。
