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High-Temperature Anomaly of the Anionic Conductivity in LaF3 Crystals
Crystallography Reports ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063774523010236
N. I. Sorokin


The anionic electrical conductivity σdc(T) of the superionic LaF3 conductor single crystal has been studied by impedance spectroscopy in a wide (312–1073 K) temperature range. Electrical measurements in a protective nitrogen atmosphere have been carried out. It is shown that the σdc values change from 1.5 × 10–5 to 7 × 10–2 S/cm (by a factor of ~5 × 103) in the investigated temperature range. A high-temperature anomaly of the σdc(T) dependence has been found at T0 ≈ 970 K, which is apparently indicative of the onset of a diffuse (Faraday) phase transition in the LaF3 tysonite structure.




超离子 LaF 3导体单晶的阴离子电导率 σ dc ( T ) 在较宽的温度范围 (312–1073 K) 内通过阻抗谱进行了研究。已在氮气保护气氛中进行了电气测量。结果表明,在研究的温度范围内, σ dc值从 1.5 × 10 –5变化到 7 × 10 –2 S/cm(约 5 × 10 3倍)。在T 0 ≈ 970 K处发现了σ dc ( T ) 依赖性的高温异常,这显然表明 LaF 中开始发生弥散(法拉第)相变。3泰索尼特结构。
