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Growth, Structure, and Phase Behavior of Di-tert-butyl-para-terphenyl Crystals
Crystallography Reports ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063774523010200
V. A. Postnikov , N. I. Sorokina , A. A. Kulishov , G. A. Yurasik , M. S. Lyasnikova , T. A. Sorokin , M. S. Skorotetsky , O. V. Borshchev


The results of studying the growth of para-terphenyl derivative (4,4"-di-tert-butyl-para-terphenyl (tBu-3P-tBu)) crystals are presented. The solubility of this compound in toluene at 20°С has been established by spectrophotometry. Using the techniques of growth from solutions and physical vapor transport, tBu-3P-tBu single crystals up to 1 cm long have been obtained for the first time. Their structure at 85 K has been interpreted in the triclinic system, sp. gr. P1 (Z = 8), using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Flat rectangular crystals with the best morphological characteristics have been grown from vapor. The developed face of these crystals exhibits elementary growth steps 1.4 nm high, corresponding to molecular monolayers oriented in the (001) plane. The presence of a polymorphic transition at 229.2°C and mesomorphic liquid crystal phase above the melting temperature (255.6°С) is found.




介绍了对三联苯衍生物(4,4"-二叔丁基-对联苯 (tBu-3P-tBu))晶体生长的研究结果。通过分光光度法确定了该化合物在 20°С 下在甲苯中的溶解度。利用溶液生长和物理气相传输技术,首次获得了长达 1 cm 的 tBu-3P-tBu 单晶。它们在 85 K 下的结构已在三化学中解释。 nic 系统,sp. gr. P 1 ( Z= 8),使用单晶 X 射线衍射。具有最佳形态特征的扁平矩形晶体已经从蒸气中生长出来。这些晶体的展开面表现出 1.4 nm 高的基本生长台阶,对应于 (001) 平面取向的单分子层。发现在 229.2°C 存在多晶型转变,并且在熔化温度 (255.6°С) 以上存在介晶液晶相。
