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Evaluation of Eltern-Aktiv – A Culture-Sensitive Parenting Program for Refugee Families in Germany
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2023.2235670
Christina Nieder 1 , Gisa Müller-Butzkamm 2 , Joscha Kärtner 1


This study reports data on the effectiveness of Eltern-Aktiv, a culture-sensitive parenting program developed for refugee parents. We used a mixed-method approach, namely standardized questionnaire-based interview with refugee parents (Npre = 39, Npost = 21) and qualitative interviews with five trainers. Results indicated the effectiveness of the program for positive parenting behaviors (i.e., positive conflict behavior, support, and structuring), but not for attitudes (i.e., awareness of parenting norms and values, parenting efficacy, acculturation orientation and fears regarding cultural differences). Implications of our findings are discussed as well as the question of how to access the vulnerable group of refugee families.


对 Eltern-Aktiv 的评估——针对德国难民家庭的文化敏感育儿计划


这项研究报告了 Eltern-Aktiv 有效性的数据,Eltern-Aktiv 是一项为难民父母开发的文化敏感育儿计划。我们采用了混合方法,即对难民家长进行基于标准化问卷的访谈(N pre = 39,N post = 21)以及对五位培训师进行定性访谈。结果表明该计划对积极养育行为(即积极的冲突行为、支持和结构化)有效,但对态度(即对养育规范和价值观的认识、养育效能、文化适应取向和对文化差异的恐惧)无效。讨论了我们的研究结果的含义以及如何接触难民家庭中的弱势群体的问题。
