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Symmetric supercapacitors assembled using electrolyte embedded V2O5-rGO composites
Diamond and Related Materials ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2023.110223
Sengodu Prakash , Veeman Sannasi , Mamali Das

Numerous researchers and industries take issue with the safe use of energy storage devices due to electrolyte leakage, overheating, and accidental fire damage. In this aspect, a symmetric capacitor with electrolyte embedded V2O5-rGO composite (VGS) is prepared. Electrochemical methods are systematically studied for the prepared composites. The prepared VG20S composite shows an excellent specific capacitance (566.7 mF cm−2) with capacity retention of 80.5 % for 3000 cycles. At the same time it showed a maximum power density of 750 W cm−2 with 15.625 Wh cm−2 energy density.


使用嵌入电解质的 V2O5-rGO 复合材料组装的对称超级电容器

由于电解液泄漏、过热和意外火灾损坏,许多研究人员和行业对储能设备的安全使用存在疑问。在这方面,制备了具有电解质嵌入的V 2 O 5 -rGO复合材料(VGS)的对称电容器。对所制备的复合材料进行了系统的电化学方法研究。所制备的VG20S复合材料表现出优异的比电容(566.7 mF cm -2 ),3000次循环后容量保持率为80.5%。同时它显示出750 W cm -2的最大功率密度和15.625 Wh cm -2的能量密度。
