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Response to Emily Hammer’s article: “Multi-centric, Marsh-based urbanism at the early Mesopotamian city of Lagash (Tell al Hiba, Iraq)”
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101532
Holly Pittman , Reed Goodman , Sara Pizzimenti , Paul Zimmerman , Jennifer Pournelle , Liviu Giosan

Remote-sensing techniques play an important role in the resumption of archaeological research in southern Iraq. These tools are especially powerful when ground-truthed through excavation and survey, and when informed by local environmental histories. This response engages with propositions put forward by Hammer (2022): “Multi-centric, Marsh-based urbanism at the early Mesopotamian city of Lagash (Tell al-Hiba).” Using a mix of UAV photography and magnetic gradiometry data, Hammer argues that Lagash was a marsh-based city toward the end of the Early Dynastic period in Mesopotamia (c. 2,900-2,292 BCE), and that on-site habitation had previously been restricted to points of high elevation because of excess water. Fundamental geoarchaeological and chronometric data, however, are absent. Based on evidence from previous excavations and general conditions of site preservation, we review Hammer’s interpretations, including the validity and reliability of the data that the paper uses to advance its arguments. Ongoing work at that site has the potential substantially to enhance our understanding of ancient urbanism. Ultimately, this response seeks to rectify basic principles of chronology, taphonomy, and paleoenvironment at Lagash, and to highlight the importance of verifiable representation in the presentation of remotely-sensed datasets.


对 Emily Hammer 文章的回应:“早期美索不达米亚城市拉加什(伊拉克 Tell al Hiba)的多中心、基于沼泽的城市化”

遥感技术在伊拉克南部考古研究的恢复中发挥着重要作用。当通过挖掘和调查进行实地调查并了解当地环境历史时,这些工具尤其强大。这一回应与 Hammer (2022) 提出的主张相结合:“早期美索不达米亚城市拉加什 (Tell al-Hiba) 的多中心、基于沼泽的城市化。” 哈默结合无人机摄影和磁梯度测量数据,认为拉加什是美索不达米亚早王朝末期(约公元前 2,900-2,292 年)的一座以沼泽为基础的城市,并且现场居住此前受到限制由于水分过多而转移到高海拔地区。然而,缺乏基本的地质考古和计时数据。根据先前发掘的证据和遗址保护的一般条件,我们回顾了哈默的解释,包括本文用来推进其论点的数据的有效性和可靠性。该地点正在进行的工作有可能大大增强我们对古代城市主义的理解。最终,这一回应旨在纠正拉加什的年代学、埋藏学和古环境的基本原则,并强调可验证的表示在遥感数据集呈现中的重要性。
