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Role of Fe oxide in the underdeposit corrosion of pipeline steel in oilfield produced water containing SRB
Materials and Corrosion ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-14 , DOI: 10.1002/maco.202313869
Victor Malachy Udowo 1, 2 , Maocheng Yan 1 , Fuchun Liu 1 , Alexander I. Ikeuba 3

The corrosion behavior of C20 pipeline steel was studied under Fe oxide and sand deposits in oilfield produced water containing sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) via electrochemical techniques and surface analyses. A galvanic current of about 2 μAcm−2 was detected when the Fe oxide deposited sample and the bare steel were coupled in zero resistance ammeter (ZRA) mode, with the former being the anodic member of the couple. The Fe oxide deposited steel recorded severe localized corrosion after 14 days of testing in the SRB inoculated oilfield produced water. Corrosion severity decreased on the sand-deposited steel, with general corrosion as the dominant morphology of surface attack. The development of product film was a vital factor in steel corrosion under the Fe oxide deposit.



通过电化学技术和表面分析,研究了C20管线钢在含硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的油田采出水中的铁氧化物和砂沉积下的腐蚀行为。当Fe氧化物沉积样品和裸钢以零电阻安培计(ZRA)模式耦合时,检测到约2μAcm -2的电偶电流,其中前者是耦合的阳极成员。在接种 SRB 的油田采出水中测试 14 天后,铁氧化物沉积钢记录了严重的局部腐蚀。沉积砂钢的腐蚀严重程度降低,全面腐蚀是表面侵蚀的主要形态。产物膜的形成是铁氧化物沉积下钢腐蚀的一个重要因素。