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ACS Energy Lett.
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ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c01227 Phillip Christopher 1
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c01227 Phillip Christopher 1
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CS Energy Letters主要以 Letter 格式发表论文 — 原始研究的简短报告(2,500-3,000 字和 3-5 个图表)。信件格式旨在突出具有特别紧迫性和影响力的研究成果;研究结果将影响研究人员思考、研究和解释研究主题的方式,应以同行评审的形式迅速报告。信件应提出一两个清晰的想法或发现。Letter 格式的论文在内容和长度上都与全文不同。未在ACS Energy Letters上发表的完整论文(例如文章), are comprehensive studies of broad variable spaces with nuanced and detailed descriptions to explain trends, ideas, and findings. Letters reporting research findings associated with energy production, conversion, and utilization can contain a range of content. Letters may present new materials or processes along with reports of performance, while detailed mechanistic insights into their function are not yet known. Alternatively, Letters can report mechanistic studies that provide new insights into the operation of known materials or processes. Letters can also highlight systematic issues with experimental or theoretical results being reported in the literature. Authors should decide first if their results will be most effectively reported in a Letter or a full paper before submitting to ACS Energy Letters。做出此决定的一种方法是考虑论文正文中需要呈现哪些数字来描述主要研究结果。正确选择一些代表关键数据的数字使得《快报》的研究结果脱颖而出。虽然ACS Energy Letters建议在一封信中使用 3-5 个数字,但这并不意味着作者应该在一个图中加载多个子面板而不需要详细解释。(1,2) Consider, for example, that each figure in the main text of a publication should be accompanied by a reasonable length description in writing. If we assume that on average ∼50 words (the combined length of the preceding two sentences) are dedicated to describing each visual element, then the reasonable number of visual elements to report in a Letter can be estimated─or at least, this assumption can be used to identify when a paper may not be well suited for publication in Letter format. Figure 1. Flowchart depicting the decision process for submitting your paper as a Letter to ACS Energy Letters or as a full paper to another journal. If four figure panels are included in the main text, each with eight subfigures (many ACS Energy Letters具有类似结构的投稿未能获得审稿人和编辑以信件形式发表的有利建议),这将导致仅仅描述这些数字就需要 1,600 字。然后考虑所需的介绍、方法描述、连接性陈述、对支持信息中内容的评论、研究结果的情境化以及呈现结果所需的结论,这将导致一篇超过 3,000 字的论文。对于包含许多单独图形的论文,应该减少正文中包含的图形数量以匹配信件格式(尽管正文中最初包含的图形表明它们对于描述论文的主要信息至关重要)论文),或者应该扩展数据的描述,导致出版物采用完整的纸质格式。作者可以决定他们的研究结果是否适合发表在ACS 能源快报通过考虑强调主要发现所需的数字数量,以及这些数字是否有足够的空间在快报中合理呈现。选择相关的图表来突出信件中的主要发现可能具有挑战性。新材料通常用许多互补的光谱学或显微镜工具来表征。同样,可以使用各种方法或广泛的材料进行理论分析,以得出重要的见解。应仔细选择信件中强调一两个明确发现的关键所需数据。所有其他二手数据都可以包含在支持信息中,而不会削弱主要发现。作者向ACS Energy Letters提交原始研究成果报告鼓励考虑主要发现以及是否可以使用选定的图形面板和有效的相关演示和讨论来有效地呈现这些发现(图1)。如果您提交的稿件之前被其他期刊拒绝,请记得修改稿件以符合ACS Energy Letters信件格式的长度和范围。(3) 如果以信函格式以仔细和有效的方式书写,许多发现将更容易受到研究界的赞赏。本文引用了其他 3 篇出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。图 1. 描述将论文作为信件提交给ACS Energy Letters的决策过程的流程图 or as a full paper to another journal. This article references 3 other publications.
