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Impact of musical training in specialised centres on learning strategies, auditory discrimination and working memory in adolescents
British Journal of Music Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s0265051723000190
Carmen María Sepúlveda-Durán , Pilar Martín-Lobo , Sandra Santiago-Ramajo

The aim of this study was to analyse whether specialised musical training influences auditory discrimination, working memory, learning strategies and academic performance. Sixty students (30 with at least four years of musical training and 30 without) of the same socioeconomic level were compared. Significant differences were found between students with and without musical training in terms of learning strategies, working memory and academic performance (p= <.05). This study shows the benefits of musical training offered at specialised centres, the development of students’ cognitive skills and the contributions of neuroscience to improving professional practice.



本研究的目的是分析专业音乐训练是否影响听觉辨别力、工作记忆、学习策略和学业成绩。对 60 名具有相同社会经济水平的学生(30 名接受过至少四年的音乐训练,30 名没有接受过至少四年的音乐训练)进行了比较。接受过和未接受过音乐训练的学生在学习策略、工作记忆和学业成绩方面存在显着差异 ( p= < .05)。这项研究展示了专业中心提供的音乐培训的好处、学生认知技能的发展以及神经科学对改善专业实践的贡献。
