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Why Does GRSM Require the Submission of White Papers? [From the Editor]
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine ( IF 16.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-12 , DOI: 10.1109/mgrs.2023.3277221
Paolo Gamba

As you have already guessed from the title, and in line with my editorial in the March 2023 issue, I will use my space here to address two different points. First, the reader will find a summary of the contents of this issue, which is useful to those who would like to quickly navigate the issue and read only what they are interested in. The second part of this editorial will be devoted instead to better explaining the concept of a white paper, which is central to the editorial policy of this journal.



正如您已经从标题中猜到的那样,并且根据我在 2023 年 3 月号中发表的社论,我将利用此处的空间来解决两个不同的问题。首先,读者会找到本期内容的摘要,这对于那些想要快速浏览本期并只阅读他们感兴趣的内容的人来说非常有用。这篇社论的第二部分将致力于更好地解释白皮书的概念,这是本期刊编辑政策的核心。