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First 3-D reconstruction of copulation in Lepidoptera: interaction of genitalia in Tortrix viridana (Tortricidae)
Frontiers in Zoology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-11 , DOI: 10.1186/s12983-023-00500-4
Boyan Zlatkov 1 , Vladislav Vergilov 2 , José Vicente Pérez Santa-Rita 3 , Joaquín Baixeras 3

The process of copulation in Lepidoptera is understudied and poorly understood from a functional perspective. The purpose of the present paper is to study the interaction of the male and female genitalia of Tortrix viridana Linnaeus, 1758 via three-dimensional models of pairs fixed during copulation. Other techniques (confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and histology) were used to clarify the role of the organs involved in the process. Three-dimensional models based on micro-CT scanned copulating pairs were generated allowing visualisation of the position of the male and female counterparts, spatial changes during copulation, and the skeleto-muscular apparatus involved in the process. The male genitalia and their musculature are simplified in comparison with other lineages of the family, but the opposite is true for the female genitalia. The attachment of the couple is achieved only through flexion of the valvae, clasping the large and sclerotised sternite 7 of the female. The anal cone and socii of the male are in contact with certain parts of the anal papillae and the sterigma of the female. The long tubular vesica is inserted into the narrow posterior part of the ductus bursae. Its eversion is achieved by an increase in haemolymph pressure. A possible mechanism of stimulation of the female via pulsations of the diverticulum of the vesica was discovered. A compressed sclerotised area of the ductus bursae putatively serves as a valve controlling the transfer of ejaculated materials. Copulation progresses through two phases: in the first the vesica and its diverticulum are inflated by haemolymph, and in the second the diverticulum is not inflated, and the vesica is occupied by viscous ejaculated material. The formation of the multilayered spermatophore was observed, and we discovered that sperm is transferred very late in the copulation process. Copulation process in Lepidoptera is studied for the first time with three-dimensional reconstructions of couples of Tortrix viridana, used as a model species. The internal genitalia is the scenario of multiple interactions between male and female, but the external remain static. A possible mechanism of stimulation of the female internal copulation organs is proposed.


鳞翅目交配的首次 3D 重建:Tortrix viridana(Tortricidae)生殖器的相互作用

从功能角度来看,鳞翅目动物的交配过程尚未得到充分研究和了解。本文的目的是通过交配期间固定的对的三维模型来研究Tortrix viridana Linnaeus, 1758 的雄性和雌性生殖器的相互作用。其他技术(共焦激光扫描显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和组织学)被用来阐明参与该过程的器官的作用。生成基于微 CT 扫描交配对的三维模型,可以可视化雄性和雌性对应物的位置、交配过程中的空间变化以及参与该过程的骨骼肌肉装置。与该家族的其他血统相比,男性生殖器及其肌肉组织被简化,但女性生殖器的情况恰恰相反。这对夫妇的附着仅通过弯曲瓣膜、扣紧雌性大而硬化的胸板7来实现。雄性的肛锥和肛交与雌性的肛乳头和肛柱的某些部分接触。长管状膀胱插入滑囊导管的狭窄后部。它的外翻是通过血淋巴压力的增加来实现的。发现了一种通过膀胱憩室的搏动刺激女性的可能机制。滑囊导管的压缩硬化区域被认为充当控制射精物质转移的阀门。交配过程分为两个阶段:第一个阶段是膀胱及其憩室因血淋巴而膨胀,在第二种情况下,憩室未膨胀,并且膀胱被粘性射精物质占据。观察了多层精囊的形成,我们发现精子在交配过程的后期进行转移。首次以Tortrix viridana 为模型物种,对鳞翅目动物的交配过程进行了三维重建。内部生殖器是男性和女性之间多重相互作用的场景,但外部生殖器保持静止。提出了刺激女性内部交配器官的可能机制。首次以Tortrix viridana 为模型物种,对鳞翅目动物的交配过程进行了三维重建。内部生殖器是男性和女性之间多重相互作用的场景,但外部生殖器保持静止。提出了刺激女性内部交配器官的可能机制。首次以Tortrix viridana 为模型物种,对鳞翅目动物的交配过程进行了三维重建。内部生殖器是男性和女性之间多重相互作用的场景,但外部生殖器保持静止。提出了刺激女性内部交配器官的可能机制。