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One-Step Solution Patterning for Two-Dimensional Perovskite Nanoplate Arrays
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c03605
Yoon Ho Lee 1, 2 , Jee Yung Park 1 , Peiran Niu 1, 3 , Hanjun Yang 1, 2 , Dewei Sun 2 , Libai Huang 2 , Jianguo Mei 2 , Letian Dou 1

Two-dimensional perovskite crystals have attracted significant attention for their diverse optoelectronic characteristics, owing to their superior semiconducting properties. However, the majority of studies to date have focused on single crystals, which pose challenges for integration into device arrays due to their incompatibility with selective growth or conventional lithography techniques. Here, a facile one-step solution process for synthesizing 2D perovskite crystal arrays is proposed through meniscus-guided coating on patterned substrates. We further utilized this method for the synthesis of lateral heterostructure nanoplate arrays. Six different 2D perovskite nanoplate arrays, including epitaxial heterostructures, are successfully realized. Optical and crystallographic characterizations show the high optical performance and crystallinity of the nanoplates. Moreover, this method is further employed to prepare high-performance 2D perovskite nanoplate photosensor arrays. This strategy can be utilized as a guideline for the fundamental investigation of optical properties and the development of high-performance optoelectronics of perovskite materials including photosensors and displays.


