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Defect engineering-mediated Co9S8 with unexpected catalytic selectivity for heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction: Unveiling the generation route of 1O2 in VS active site
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy ( IF 20.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2023.123084
Zhimo Fang , Juanjuan Qi , Wenxing Chen , Lin Zhang , Jianhui Wang , Caili Tian , Qin Dai , Wen Liu , Lidong Wang

Singlet oxygen (1O2) plays a crucial role in Fenton-like reactions due to its high efficiency and selectivity in removing trace organic pollutants from complex water matrices. Defect engineering, which allows the efficient exposure of active sites and optimization of electronic structures, has rapidly emerged as a fundamental strategy for enhancing 1O2 yield. Herein, we introduce tunable sulfur vacancy (VS) density into Co9S8 catalysts for peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation. The modulation of the octahedral Co (CoS6) and tetrahedral Co (CoS4) electronic structures by VS triggers the unexpected selective generation of 1O2. The VS/PMS system exhibits excellent resistance to interference and highly selective degradation of electron-donating organic pollutants. Experimental and theoretical calculations revealed a new evolutionary route for 1O2 involving two phases (Phase I: HSO5 → *O, Phase II: *O + HSO5 →*OO → 1O2). This study provides a molecular-level understanding of VS-mediated catalytic selectivity for high-efficient decontamination applications.


缺陷工程介导的 Co9S8 对非均相类芬顿反应具有意想不到的催化选择性:揭示 VS 活性位点中 1O2 的生成途径

单线态氧 ( 1 O 2 ) 在类芬顿反应中发挥着至关重要的作用,因为它在去除复杂水基质中的痕量有机污染物方面具有高效性和选择性。缺陷工程能够有效暴露活性位点并优化电子结构,已迅速成为提高1 O 2产率的基本策略。在此,我们将可调的硫空位(V S)密度引入Co 9 S 8催化剂中用于过一硫酸盐(PMS)活化。V S对八面体 Co (CoS 6 ) 和四面体 Co (CoS 4 ) 电子结构的调制触发1 O 2的意外选择性生成。V S /PMS系统表现出优异的抗干扰性和对供电子有机污染物的高度选择性降解。实验和理论计算揭示了1 O 2的新演化路线,涉及两个阶段(第一阶段:HSO 5 → *O,第二阶段:*O + HSO 5 →*OO → 1 O 2)。这项研究为高效净化应用提供了对 V S介导的催化选择性的分子水平理解。
