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Total life insurance: Logics of anticipatory control and actuarial governance in insurance technology.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-10 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231186437
Jathan Sadowski 1

Calling attention to the growing intersection between the insurance and technology sectors-or 'insurtech'-this article is intended as a bat signal for the interdisciplinary fields that have spent recent decades studying the explosion of digitization, datafication, smartification, automation, and so on. Many of the dynamics that attract people to researching technology are exemplified, often in exaggerated ways, by emerging applications in insurance, an industry that has broad material effects. Based on in-depth mixed-methods research into insurance technology, I have identified a set of interlocking logics that underly this regime of actuarial governance in society: ubiquitous intermediation, continuous interaction, total integration, hyper-personalization, actuarial discrimination, and dynamic reaction. Together these logics describe how enduring ambitions and existing capabilities are motivating the future of how insurers engage with customers, data, time, and value. This article surveys each logic, laying out a techno-political framework for how to orient critical analysis of developments in insurtech and where to direct future research on this growing industry. Ultimately, my goal is to advance our understanding how insurance-a powerful institution that is fundamental to the operations of modern society-continues to change, and what dynamics and imperatives, whose desires and interests are steering that change. The stuff of insurance is far too important to be left to the insurance industry.



本文旨在唤起人们对保险和技术行业(或“保险科技”)之间日益增长的交叉点的关注,旨在为近几十年来研究数字化、数据化、智能化、自动化等爆炸性增长的跨学科领域发出信号。 。吸引人们研究技术的许多动力通常以夸张的方式体现在保险业这个具有广泛物质影响的行业的新兴应用中。基于对保险技术混合方法的深入研究,我发现了社会精算治理机制的一套环环相扣的逻辑:无​​处不在的中介、持续的互动、全面的整合、超个性化、精算歧视和动态反应。这些逻辑共同描述了持久的雄心和现有的能力如何推动保险公司未来如何与客户、数据、时间和价值打交道。本文对每种逻辑进行了调查,提出了一个技术政治框架,用于指导如何对保险科技的发展进行批判性分析,以及如何指导这个不断发展的行业的未来研究。最终,我的目标是加深我们对保险这个对现代社会运作至关重要的强大机构如何持续变化的理解,以及什么动力和必要性、谁的愿望和利益在引导这种变化。保险的东西太重要了,不能留给保险业。