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A global assessment of Bergmann's rule in mammals and birds
Global Change Biology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-10 , DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16860
Jiekun He 1 , Jiahao Tu 1 , Jiehua Yu 1 , Haisheng Jiang 1

Bergmann's rule states that endotherms have a large body size in high latitudes and cold climates. However, previous empirical studies have reported mixed evidence on the relationships between body size and latitude, raising the question of why some clades of endotherms follow Bergmann's rule, whereas others do not. Here, we synthesized the interspecific relationships between body size and latitude among 16,187 endothermic species (5422 mammals and 10,765 birds) using Bayesian phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models to examine the strength and magnitude of Bergmann's rule. We further assessed the effect of biological and ecological factors (i.e., body mass categories, dietary guild, winter activity, habitat openness, and climate zone) on the variations in the body mass–latitude relationships by adding an interaction term in the models. Our results revealed a generally weak but significant adherence to Bergmann's rule among all endotherms at the global scale. Despite taxonomic variation in the strength of Bergmann's rule, the body mass of species within most animal orders showed an increasing trend toward high latitudes. Generally, large-bodied, temperate species, non-hibernating mammals, and migratory and open-habitat birds tend to conform to Bergmann's rule more than their relatives do. Our results suggest that whether Bergmann's rule applies to a particular taxon is mediated by not only geographic and biological features, but also potential alternate strategies that species might have for thermoregulation. Future studies could explore the potential of integrating comprehensive trait data into phylogenetic comparative analysis to re-assess the classic ecogeographic rules on a global scale.



伯格曼规则指出,恒温动物在高纬度和寒冷气候下体型较大。然而,之前的实证研究报告了关于体型和纬度之间关系的混合证据,提出了一个问题:为什么一些吸温动物分支遵循伯格曼规则,而其他分支则不遵循。在这里,我们使用贝叶斯系统发育广义线性混合模型综合了 16,187 个吸热物种(5422 种哺乳动物和 10,765 种鸟类)的体型和纬度之间的种间关系,以检验伯格曼规则的强度和幅度。通过在模型中添加交互项,我们进一步评估了生物和生态因素(即体重类别、饮食习惯、冬季活动、栖息地开放度和气候带)对体重-纬度关系变化的影响。我们的结果表明,全球范围内所有吸热动物对伯格曼规则的遵守程度普遍较弱,但显着。尽管伯格曼规则的强度在分类学上存在差异,但大多数动物目中物种的体重显示出向高纬度地区增加的趋势。一般来说,体型较大的温带物种、非冬眠哺乳动物以及候鸟和开放栖息地的鸟类比它们的近亲更倾向于遵循伯格曼规则。我们的结果表明,伯格曼规则是否适用于特定分类单元不仅取决于地理和生物学特征,还取决于物种可能具有的体温调节潜在替代策略。未来的研究可以探索将综合性状数据整合到系统发育比较分析中的潜力,以在全球范围内重新评估经典的生态地理规则。