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Ligand-Directed Photodegradation of Interacting Proteins: Oxidative HER2/HER3 Heterodimer Degradation with a Lapatinib-Derived Photosensitizer
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00252
Jingru Qiu 1 , Qinghong Liu 1 , Peixia Li 1 , Qiaoyun Jiang 1 , Weijia Chen 1 , Donghai Li 2 , Guiling Li 2 , Gang Shan 1

In this work, we described a photocatalytic approach, termed ligand-directed photodegradation of interacting proteins (LDPIP), for efficient protein–protein heterodimer degradation. This LDPIP approach utilizes a combination of a photosensitizing protein ligand and appropriate light and molecular oxygen to induce oxidative damage to the ligand-binding protein as well as its interacting protein partner. As a showcase study, a photosensitizing HER2 ligand HER-PS-I was rationally designed based on the FDA-approved HER2 inhibitor lapatinib to efficiently degrade HER2 together with its interacting protein partner HER3, which is thought to induce HER2-targeted therapy resistance and difficult to target by small molecules. HER-PS-I exhibited excellent anticancer activity against drug-resistant MDA-MB-453 cells and its three-dimensional multicellular spheroids. We hope that this LDPIP approach would find more applications in degrading proteins that are thought undruggable or difficult to drug.


相互作用蛋白的配体定向光降解:使用拉帕替尼衍生的光敏剂氧化 HER2/HER3 异二聚体降解

在这项工作中,我们描述了一种光催化方法,称为配体定向相互作用蛋白光降解(LDPIP),用于有效降解蛋白质-蛋白质异二聚体。这种 LDPIP 方法利用光敏蛋白配体与适当的光和分子氧的组合来诱导对配体结合蛋白及其相互作用的蛋白伴侣的氧化损伤。作为一项展示研究,基于 FDA 批准的 HER2 抑制剂拉帕替尼,合理设计了一种光敏 HER2 配体 HER-PS-I,可有效降解 HER2 及其相互作用的蛋白伙伴 HER3,这被认为会诱导 HER2 靶向治疗耐药性和困难以小分子为目标。HER-PS-I对耐药 MDA-MB-453 细胞及其三维多细胞球体表现出优异的抗癌活性。我们希望这种 LDPIP 方法能够在降解被认为不可成药或难以成药的蛋白质方面找到更多应用。