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Special Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Implementing Social–Emotional Learning to Support Students with Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-08 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12318
Areej Ali Alsalamah 1

This study was designed to determine how special education teachers (SETs) in Saudi Arabia perceive their self-efficacy in implementing social–emotional learning (SEL) practices to support students with learning disabilities (LD). The data were collected by surveying 109 SETs of students with LD who teach at elementary and middle schools in Riyadh. The findings demonstrate that SETs had low to moderate self-efficacy in putting SEL into practice, and the participants highlighted the importance of receiving support that can enhance their self-efficacy in SEL. Moreover, the study's findings show some statistically significant variations in the responses of the teachers, as those who attended more professional development programs reported higher levels of self-efficacy. Additionally, middle school teachers and teachers with fewer years of experience showed a higher need for receiving support to enhance their implementation of SEL. Recommendations for future studies and practices are provided.



本研究旨在确定沙特阿拉伯的特殊教育教师 (SET) 如何看待他们在实施社交情感学习 (SEL) 实践以支持有学习障碍 (LD) 的学生时的自我效能感。该数据是通过对在利雅得中小学任教的 109 名 LD 学生进行调查而收集的。研究结果表明,SET 在将 SEL 付诸实践时的自我效能感较低至中等,参与者强调了获得支持以提高其 SEL 自我效能感的重要性。此外,研究结果显示,教师的反应存在一些统计上显着的差异,因为参加更多专业发展项目的教师的自我效能感更高。此外,中学教师和经验较少的教师更需要获得支持以加强其 SEL 的实施。提供了对未来研究和实践的建议。