Planetary and Space Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2023.105746
R. Keerthana , R. Annadurai , K.N. Kusuma
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This study investigates the morphology and mineralogy of Nernst crater (116 km diameter), located in the Highland Terrane on the northwestern limb of the Oceanus Procellarum and exhibits typical features of a Floor Fractured Crater (FFC), including concentric and radial fractures and a domical floor profile. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) images and Kaguya digital elevation model (DEM) were utilized to analyze the crater's morphology, while Moon Mineralogical Mapper (M3) datasets were used to identify minerals. The morphological analysis identified several features such as crater rim, wall terraces, convex crater floor, domes, uplifted central peak, concentric and radial fractures/rilles, and a double impact crater. Integrated Band Depth (IBD) based Color Composite Images were generated using M3 datasets to highlight the heterogeneity of lithological composition and extract spectral profiles for mineralogical assessment. Anorthosite signatures were observed on the crater rim, wall terraces, crater floor, and central peak. Low-Calcium Pyroxene (LCP) signatures were found on the walls of fractures/rilles and inside the double impact crater. High-Calcium Pyroxene (HCP) signatures were associated with a pyroclastic deposit near the N–S trending rilles. Additionally, an adjacent impact crater named Nernst T displayed rolling stones, rock boulders, domes, slump deposits, and minerals such as LCP and Pure Crystalline Plagioclase (PCP). The combined analysis of mineralogy and morphology indicated the presence of anorthosite in and around Nernst crater, classifying it as a Class-2 FFC. Combining crater size-frequency distributions (CSFD) based chronology with morphology and mineralogy, revealed that Nernst crater ejecta and its floor originated during the pre-Nectarian to early Imbrian periods (4 and 3.8 Ga, respectively). The concentric and polygonal fractures were estimated to be around 3 Ga old, likely formed during the formation of FFC due to tensional forces and subsequent rebound. Conversely, the radial fractures and dome exhibited a much younger age of 1.2 Ga, indicating a later volcanic intrusion that contributed to the convex floor profile and pyroclastic deposit in Nernst crater. Younger basalts present in the Procellarum terrain located roughly 600 km east of Nernst crater suggest a strong connection between the origin and evolution of Nernst crater and late-stage magmatic activity in the Oceanus Procellarum Terrane.

这项研究调查了能斯特陨石坑(直径 116 公里)的形态和矿物学,该陨石坑位于大洋洲西北部边缘的高地地体,并展示了底部断裂陨石坑 (FFC) 的典型特征,包括同心和径向断裂以及圆顶地板轮廓。利用月球勘测轨道飞行器 (LRO) 图像和 Kaguya数字高程模型 (DEM) 分析陨石坑的形态,同时利用月球矿物学绘图仪 (M 3)数据集用于识别矿物。形态分析确定了几个特征,例如陨石坑边缘、壁台、凸形陨石坑底部、圆顶、隆起的中心峰、同心和径向裂缝/细沟以及双撞击坑。使用 M 3数据集生成基于综合带深度 (IBD) 的彩色合成图像,以突出岩性成分的异质性并提取光谱剖面以进行矿物学评估。在火山口边缘、壁台、火山口底部和中央山峰上观察到了斜长岩特征。在裂缝/细沟壁和双撞击坑内部发现了低钙辉石(LCP)特征。高钙辉石 (HCP) 特征与火山碎屑矿床有关靠近南北走向的细沟。此外,邻近的一个名为 Nernst T 的撞击坑还展示了滚石、巨石、圆顶、塌落沉积物以及 LCP 和纯结晶斜长石 (PCP) 等矿物。矿物学和形态学的综合分析表明能斯特陨石坑内部及其周围存在斜长岩,将其归类为 2 级 FFC。将基于陨石坑大小频率分布 (CSFD) 的年代学与形态学和矿物学相结合,揭示了能斯特陨石坑喷射物及其底部起源于前海克纪到雨武纪早期(分别为 4 Ga 和 3.8 Ga)。据估计,同心和多边形裂缝的年龄约为 3 Ga,可能是在 FFC 形成过程中由于张力和随后的反弹而形成的。相反,径向裂缝和穹顶的年龄要小得多,为 1.2 Ga,表明后来的火山侵入导致了能斯特陨石坑的凸底轮廓和火山碎屑沉积。更年轻位于能斯特陨石坑以东约 600 公里处的 Procellarum 地形中存在的玄武岩表明,能斯特陨石坑的起源和演化与 Oceanus Procellarum 地体的晚期岩浆活动之间存在密切联系。