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Assessment for and of learning in nonlinear movement education practices
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-05 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2230244
B. Tolgfors 1 , D. Barker 1, 2 , G. Nyberg 3 , H. Larsson 4, 5



Principles such as instructional alignment and step-by-step progression are often seen as crucial features of good assessment practices in school physical education (PE). These features are problematic from nonlinear educational perspectives, which are based on the idea that movement learning cannot be expected to take place in the same manner for all students. Without some resolution of the contradiction between nonlinear pedagogies and principles of good assessment, the likelihood of physical educators fully embracing any kind of nonlinear approach to movement education remains doubtful.

Purpose and research question

Our purpose in this paper is to illustrate how assessment for and of learning (AfL and AoL) can look when implemented in nonlinear movement education practices.


Illustrations of AfL and AoL are drawn from an investigation in which one educator implements a nonlinear movement education module. The module focuses on juggling for students at high school (grade nine students aged approximately 15 years). The module provided students with 10 × 50-minute lessons to explore juggling. Data were generated through observations (film clips and field notes) and ethnographic-type interviews that were conducted with the students during the lessons.


In the context of the nonlinear movement education module, AfL became: Interacting with students in joint exploration; Introducing learning strategies; Encouraging students to clarify and verbalise the object of learning; Helping students identify critical aspects of the movement activity, and; Inviting students to consider alternative learning trajectories. The educator then evaluates the students’ learning experiences in the context of a group performance at the end of the module. This performance can be seen as an instance of holistic assessment within a nonlinear movement education practice.


The suggested holistic perspective on PE assessment could help educators to: circumvent dichotomies such as mind-body and theory-practice; approach students as active meaning-makers; re-frame students’ actions as emergent and context-dependent; and replace direct instruction with explorative teaching and learning methods. The major contribution of this study is that it shows how assessment for and of learning can be implemented in nonlinear movement education practices within a linear, goal-related and criterion-referenced, education system.





教学协调和循序渐进等原则通常被视为学校体育 (PE) 中良好评估实践的关键特征。从非线性教育的角度来看,这些特征是有问题的,因为不能期望所有学生都以相同的方式进行运动学习。如果非线性教学法和良好评估原则之间的矛盾没有得到某种解决,体育教育者完全接受任何非线性运动教育方法的可能性仍然值得怀疑。


我们本文的目的是说明在非线性运动教育实践中实施学习评估(AfL 和 AoL)时的效果如何


AfL 和 AoL 的插图取自一项调查,其中一位教育者实施了非线性运动教育模块。该模块重点关注高中学生(九年级学生,年龄约 15 岁)的杂耍。该模块为学生提供了 10 × 50 分钟的课程来探索杂耍。数据是通过观察(电影剪辑和现场笔记)以及在课程期间与学生进行的人种学类型访谈生成的。


在非线性运动教育模块的背景下,AfL 变成:与学生共同探索互动;介绍学习策略;鼓励学生阐明并用语言表达学习目标;帮助学生识别运动活动的关键方面;邀请学生考虑其他学习轨迹。然后,教育者在模块结束时根据小组表现评估学生的学习经历。这种表现可以被视为非线性运动教育实践中整体评估的一个实例。


建议的体育评估整体视角可以帮助教育工作者: 规避身心和理论与实践等二分法;让学生成为积极的意义创造者;将学生的行为重新定义为紧急且依赖于情境的行为;用探索性教学方法取代直接指导。这项研究的主要贡献在于,它展示了如何在线性、目标相关和标准参考的教育系统内,在非线性运动教育实践中实施学习评估学习评估。
