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MOF water harvester produces water from Death Valley desert air in ambient sunlight
Nature Water Pub Date : 2023-07-06 , DOI: 10.1038/s44221-023-00103-7
Woochul Song , Zhiling Zheng , Ali H. Alawadhi , Omar M. Yaghi

Sorbent-assisted atmospheric water harvesting has emerged as a promising method to mitigate water stresses in arid climates. Here a new water harvester based on metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) has been designed, constructed and tested in two locations in California (Death Valley National Park and Berkeley). This water harvester is capable of harvesting water at a capacity of 210 and 285 g H2O per kilogram of MOF-303 per day, respectively. The unique configuration of the MOF cartridge and the condenser in the harvester allows the highest efficiency of water uptake and harvesting from air without power or energy input aside from ambient sunlight. Indeed, this water harvester operates passively with double the amount of water harvested compared with our previous passive MOF water harvester. These results highlight the great potential for addressing the water stress problem in the world.


MOF 集水器在环境阳光下从死亡谷沙漠空气中生产水

吸附剂辅助的大气集水已成为缓解干旱气候下水压力的一种有前途的方法。在此,一种基于金属有机框架(MOF)的新型集水器已在加利福尼亚州的两个地点(死亡谷国家公园和伯克利)进行了设计、建造和测试。该集水机的集水能力为 210 和 285 g H 2每天每公斤 MOF-303 分别为 O。MOF 滤芯和收集器中冷凝器的独特配置可实现最高效率的从空气中吸收和收集水,除了环境阳光外,无需电源或能量输入。事实上,与我们之前的被动式 MOF 集水器相比,这款集水器被动运行,收集的水量是其两倍。这些结果凸显了解决世界水资源压力问题的巨大潜力。
