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Capitalising Precarity: Wellbeing of Migrants in Russia
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-03 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10120
Rano Turaeva 1

This paper aims to introduce the concept of capitalising precarity to analyse the situation of precarious migration in migrant unfriendly contexts such as Russia. The material analysed in this paper concerns welfare and health inequalities in Russia. Welfare of labour migrants in Russia (both for internal Russian migrants and for foreign migrants) is de facto non-existent and largely self-organised by migrants themselves. State migration policies of Russia as well as welfare policies in the destination countries (Central Asia) are formulated in papers but in practice do not function to ensure some kind of wellbeing and social protection. Working conditions both at home (in Central Asia) and in destination countries (Russia and Kazakhstan) do not comply with average requirements of wellbeing of workers. I was shocked but not surprised to see Central Asian migrant workers in winter cleaning the roofs of Russian houses without any protection. The paper analyses the situation of intermixing of legal and informal practices which have a direct implication for wellbeing of migrants in Russia. The working conditions in Russia for both migrant and non-migrant labour violate basic principles of human rights. The paper also shows that even citizenship does not automatically provide direct access to social welfare where the latter is bound to the permanent registration (propiska). Continuous precarity is capital for other actors such as those who can profit from it such as police officers or other migrants themselves. The findings of this research contribute to the broader literature of labour and welfare in terms challenging the boundaries between citizenship and mobility.



本文旨在引入“资本化不稳定”的概念来分析俄罗斯等移民不友好环境中的不稳定移民状况。本文分析的材料涉及俄罗斯的福利和健康不平等。俄罗斯劳工移民的福利(包括俄罗斯境内移民和外国移民)事实上不存在,并且很大程度上是由移民自己组织的。俄罗斯的国家移民政策以及目的地国(中亚)的福利政策是在文件中制定的,但实际上并不能确保某种福祉和社会保护。国内(中亚)和目的地国家(俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦)的工作条件均不符合工人福祉的平均要求。看到冬天的中亚移民工人在没有任何保护的情况下清洁俄罗斯房屋的屋顶,我感到很震惊,但并不感到惊讶。本文分析了对俄罗斯移民福祉有直接影响的法律和非正式做法混合的情况。俄罗斯移民和非移民劳工的工作条件都违反了基本人权原则。该文件还表明,即使是公民身份也不会自动提供直接获得社会福利的机会,而后者必须获得永久登记( propiska )。持续的不稳定对于其他行为者来说是资本,例如那些可以从中获利的人,例如警察或其他移民本身。这项研究的结果在挑战公民身份和流动性之间的界限方面为更广泛的劳工和福利文献做出了贡献。
