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Coach experiences of formal coach education developed by national governing bodies: a systematic review
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2230235
Zhenlong Wang 1 , Ashley Casey 1 , Ed Cope 1



The education and training of coaches is considered central to maintaining and improving the quality of coaching. Formal coach education is accessed by thousands of coaches each year. However, evidence would suggest this form of learning plays only a minor role in coaches’ development. One possible reason for this is the lack of consideration of the coaches’ perspective in the design of current programmes.


The purpose of this study was to systematically review the existing empirical evidence about how coaches experience formal coach education programmes developed by NGBs.


A systematic review was conducted. Based on the ENTREQ guidelines, a comprehensive search was performed in six electronic databases (ERIC, PsycInfo, PsycARTICLES, Sport Discus, Scopus, Web of Science) using key words related to coach experience, coach education and national governing bodies. The inclusion criteria were: coach, coach trainee, coach learner; formal coach education courses developed by NGBs; peer-reviewed articles in English published between 2000 and 2021; qualitative methods studies. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data from the included articles.


15 studies met the study’s inclusion criteria. Analysis showed three main themes influenced coaches’ course experience: (1) coach educator pedagogy (2) learning design, and (3) course content. More specifically, coaches’ experience depended heavily on (a) whether the educator used pedagogical approaches which include interactive elements and (b) whether educators had good interpersonal skills. In addition, coaches experienced their NGB course positively when there were opportunities to apply their learning in practical-based workshops.


The review provides a detailed understanding of what coaches perceive they want and need from NGB coach education courses. While we cannot claim that the perceptions from the coaches in this systematic review can be generalised or represent the experiences of every coach, these findings provide insight to inform how future NGB’s designers and educators could think about what coaches want and need from their education and training experiences. What we found surprising was the limited number of published, peer-reviewed work, which has attempted to learn about how coaches’ experience NGB led coach education. This is especially so given this is often the only mandatory learning coaches are required to complete.







本研究的目的是系统地回顾关于教练如何体验 NGB 制定的正式教练教育计划的现有经验证据。


进行了系统审查。根据 ENTREQ 指南,使用与教练经验、教练教育和国家管理机构相关的关键词在六个电子数据库(ERIC、PsycInfo、PsycARTICLES、Sport Discus、Scopus、Web of Science)中进行了全面搜索。纳入标准为:教练、教练实习生、教练学习者;NGB开发的正式教练教育课程;2000 年至 2021 年间发表的经过同行评审的英文文章;定性方法研究。主题分析用于分析所包含文章中的数据。


15 项研究符合该研究的纳入标准。分析显示三个主要主题影响教练的课程体验:(1)教练教育者教学法(2)学习设计,以及(3)课程内容。更具体地说,教练的经验在很大程度上取决于(a)教育者是否使用包括互动元素的教学方法以及(b)教育者是否具有良好的人际交往能力。此外,当教练有机会在基于实践的研讨会中应用他们的学习内容时,他们对 NGB 课程有积极的体验。


该评论详细了解了教练认为他们希望从 NGB 教练教育课程中获得什么。虽然我们不能声称本次系统评价中教练的看法可以概括或代表每位教练的经验,但这些发现提供了见解,可以帮助未来 NGB 的设计者和教育工作者如何思考教练从他们的教育和培训中想要和需要什么经验。我们发现令人惊讶的是,已发表的同行评审工作的数量有限,这些工作试图了解教练的经验 NGB 如何引导教练教育。尤其是考虑到这通常是教练需要完成的唯一强制性学习任务。
