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Tactile renegotiations in actor training: what the pandemic taught us about touch
Theatre, Dance and Performance Training ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-28 , DOI: 10.1080/19443927.2023.2187872
Christina Kapadocha

This article draws from the practice-research project under the umbrella title ‘From Haptic Deprivation to Haptic Possibilities’. The project began as a response to the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK in March 2020 and the necessary transition to online interactions. As a practitioner-researcher who has been critically investigating tactile possibilities through somatically inspired methods within and outside actor training, I identified a ‘gap’ in how we could still embody relational potentialities of touch either working remotely or while practising physical distancing. Modified physical contact in my practice research originates in my work with actors in training and widens in online sessions and in-person workshops with non-actors. This article focuses on tactile renegotiations in actor training and critical observations regarding what touch can be, challenging universal and unified perceptions. Advancing two published TDPT blog posts on the project, the discussion directs attention to how necessary physical distantiation during the pandemic expanded the use of touch in my training practice and how these tactile renegotiations can be applied post-pandemically within and beyond actor training. Inspired by phenomenological and feminist theories of embodiment, touch is proposed as an ethical renegotiation between self and other that necessitates differentiation and distantiation in nearness.



本文取自题为“从触觉剥夺到触觉可能性”的实践研究项目。该项目最初是为了应对 2020 年 3 月英国首次实施的 COVID-19 封锁以及向在线互动的必要过渡。作为一名从业者兼研究员,我一直在通过演员训练内外受躯体启发的方法来批判性地研究触觉的可能性,我发现了我们如何在远程工作或练习身体距离时仍然体现触摸的关系潜力方面存在“差距”。在我的实践研究中,改良的身体接触源于我与训练中的演员的工作,并在与非演员的在线课程和面对面研讨会中扩大。本文重点关注演员训练中的触觉重新协商以及对触摸的批判性观察,挑战普遍和统一的认知。推进关于该项目的两篇已发表的 TDPT 博客文章,讨论将注意力集中在大流行期间必要的身体疏远如何扩大了我的训练实践中触摸的使用,以及如何在大流行后在演员训练内外应用这些触觉重新谈判。受现象学和女权主义体现理论的启发,触摸被认为是自我与他人之间的伦理重新谈判,需要在接近中进行区分和疏远。讨论将注意力集中在大流行期间必要的身体疏远如何扩大了我的训练实践中触摸的使用,以及如何在大流行后在演员训练内外应用这些触觉重新谈判。受现象学和女权主义体现理论的启发,触摸被认为是自我与他人之间的伦理重新谈判,需要在接近中进行区分和疏远。讨论将注意力集中在大流行期间必要的身体疏远如何扩大了我的训练实践中触摸的使用,以及如何在大流行后在演员训练内外应用这些触觉重新谈判。受现象学和女权主义体现理论的启发,触摸被认为是自我与他人之间的伦理重新谈判,需要在接近中进行区分和疏远。
