Journal of Pest Science ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10340-023-01655-z Ádám Egri , Ádám Mészáros , György Kriska , József Fail
The brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is an invasive pest insect species, which was recently introduced from Asia to America and then to Europe. Besides causing serious damage in agriculture, this species also represents a source of intense annoyance for humans in residential areas, because large amounts of individuals can aggregate on buildings while seeking shelter before overwintering. Taking into account the need for pesticide-free pest management methods, for example light trapping, we measured the spectral sensitivity of the compound eyes of H. halys with electroretinography (ERG). In behavioural experiments, we also quantified the attraction of H. halys to 14 quasi-monochromatic light stimuli in the 368–743 nm spectral range. The dark-adapted compound eyes were mostly sensitive to the green range, but a minor sensitivity peak in the UV region was also identified. Recordings on chromatic-adapted eye preparations unequivocally revealed the presence of only a green- and a UV-sensitive photoreceptor type, with sensitivity maxima at 519 nm and 367 nm, respectively. No sign of any blue-sensitive receptor was detected, and thus only a receptor set allowing dichromatic vision was found. Based on the results of the behavioural experiments, we established that the attraction of H. halys to light is increasing with decreasing wavelength, and thus we emphasize the importance of short wavelength lights (368–455 nm) when phototactic attraction of H. halys is the aim.

棕色斑纹臭虫的二色性?Halyomorpha halys复眼的光谱敏感性和趋光性
褐纹蝽(Halyomorpha halys)是一种入侵性害虫,最近从亚洲引入美洲,然后又引入欧洲。除了对农业造成严重损害外,该物种还给居住区的人类带来极大的烦恼,因为大量个体可以聚集在建筑物上,同时在越冬前寻求庇护。考虑到对无农药害虫管理方法(例如光诱捕)的需求,我们利用视网膜电图(ERG)测量了H. halys复眼的光谱敏感性。在行为实验中,我们还量化了H. halys的吸引力368-743 nm 光谱范围内的 14 种准单色光刺激。暗适应复眼主要对绿色范围敏感,但在紫外线区域也发现了一个较小的敏感峰值。色彩适应眼制剂的记录明确地揭示了仅存在绿色和紫外线敏感光感受器类型,其最大灵敏度分别为 519 nm 和 367 nm。没有检测到任何蓝色敏感受体的迹象,因此只发现了允许二色视觉的受体组。根据行为实验的结果,我们确定H. halys对光的吸引力随着波长的减小而增加,因此我们强调短波长光(368-455 nm)在H. halys趋光吸引时的重要性是目标。