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FAIR-Checker: supporting digital resource findability and reuse with Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web standards
Journal of Biomedical Semantics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-01 , DOI: 10.1186/s13326-023-00289-5
Alban Gaignard 1 , Thomas Rosnet 2, 3 , Frédéric De Lamotte 4 , Vincent Lefort 3, 5 , Marie-Dominique Devignes 6

The current rise of Open Science and Reproducibility in the Life Sciences requires the creation of rich, machine-actionable metadata in order to better share and reuse biological digital resources such as datasets, bioinformatics tools, training materials, etc. For this purpose, FAIR principles have been defined for both data and metadata and adopted by large communities, leading to the definition of specific metrics. However, automatic FAIRness assessment is still difficult because computational evaluations frequently require technical expertise and can be time-consuming. As a first step to address these issues, we propose FAIR-Checker, a web-based tool to assess the FAIRness of metadata presented by digital resources. FAIR-Checker offers two main facets: a “Check” module providing a thorough metadata evaluation and recommendations, and an “Inspect” module which assists users in improving metadata quality and therefore the FAIRness of their resource. FAIR-Checker leverages Semantic Web standards and technologies such as SPARQL queries and SHACL constraints to automatically assess FAIR metrics. Users are notified of missing, necessary, or recommended metadata for various resource categories. We evaluate FAIR-Checker in the context of improving the FAIRification of individual resources, through better metadata, as well as analyzing the FAIRness of more than 25 thousand bioinformatics software descriptions.



当前生命科学中开放科学和可重复性的兴起需要创建丰富的、机器可操作的元数据,以便更好地共享和重用生物数字资源,例如数据集、生物信息学工具、培训材料等。为此,公平原则已针对数据和元数据进行了定义,并被大型社区采用,从而定义了具体指标。然而,自动公平性评估仍然很困难,因为计算评估经常需要技术专业知识并且可能非常耗时。作为解决这些问题的第一步,我们提出了 FAIR-Checker,这是一种基于网络的工具,用于评估数字资源呈现的元数据的公平性。FAIR-Checker 提供两个主要方面:“检查”模块提供全面的元数据评估和建议,以及“检查”模块,可帮助用户提高元数据质量,从而提高其资源的公平性。FAIR-Checker 利用语义 Web 标准和技术(例如 SPARQL 查询和 SHACL 约束)来自动评估 FAIR 指标。用户会收到有关各种资源类别的缺失、必要或推荐元数据的通知。我们在通过更好的元数据改进单个资源的公平性以及分析超过 25000 个生物信息学软件描述的公平性的背景下评估 FAIR-Checker。用户会收到有关各种资源类别的缺失、必要或推荐元数据的通知。我们在通过更好的元数据改进单个资源的公平性以及分析超过 25000 个生物信息学软件描述的公平性的背景下评估 FAIR-Checker。用户会收到有关各种资源类别的缺失、必要或推荐元数据的通知。我们在通过更好的元数据改进单个资源的公平性以及分析超过 25000 个生物信息学软件描述的公平性的背景下评估 FAIR-Checker。