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One-pot synthesis of bio-polyol from vegetable oil for preparation of bio-polyurethane based porous sorbent with high oil adsorption capacity
Journal of Applied Polymer Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-29 , DOI: 10.1002/app.54332
Phan Huy Hoang 1 , Nguyen Minh Dat 1 , Bui Quang Hung 2

In the present work, bio-polyol has been synthesized via controlled hydroxylation from sunflower oil in one conversion step using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid. The influences of various reaction conditions for bio-polyol synthesis such as reaction time, temperature, the dosage of hydrogen peroxide, and formic acid were investigated. The bio-polyol was obtained from sunflower oil with hydroxyl number of 180 mg KOH/g, and functionality of 3.5 OH groups/mol. The as-synthesized sunflower oil-based polyol was then used for replacing fossil-based polyol in synthesis of bio-based polyurethane (PU), which was then simultaneously combined with coir biomass filler to fabricate the porous material with high oil adsorption capacity. The oil adsorption capacity of the new bio-based sorbent material was relatively high, up to 14.89 g/g. In comparison with pristine PU or lignocellulosic materials, the new sorbents had higher oil adsorption capacity.



在目前的工作中,生物多元醇是通过使用过氧化氢和甲酸的混合物在一个转化步骤中对葵花籽油进行受控羟基化来合成的。研究了反应时间、温度、过氧化氢和甲酸用量等各种反应条件对生物多元醇合成的影响。从葵花籽油中获得的生物多元醇的羟值为180 mg KOH/g,官能度为3.5 OH基团/mol。然后将合成的葵花籽油基多元醇用于替代化石基多元醇合成生物基聚氨酯(PU),然后同时与椰壳生物质填料结合以制备具有高吸油能力的多孔材料。新型生物基吸附材料的油吸附容量较高,可达14.89 g/g。