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An analysis on the cultural contexts of Bɔsoɛ as an endangered Asante traditional dance
Research in Dance Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2023.2220664
Ronit Akomeah 1 , S. Kquofi 1 , H. B. Essel 1 , E. A. Asante 1


The Asante people of Ghana bear rich and distinct cultures, which help place the nation on the globe. Albeit, a number of traditional dances as an aspect of Asante culture have been endangered or are getting endangered due to them not being well communicated within their cultural contexts to audiences, their dance elements being less known and less performed. This study was therefore conducted to analyse Bɔsoɛ, an endangered Asante traditional dance in Ghana culturally, to revive the lost parts of Asante culture to the present and upcoming generations. The study employed narrative research method under the qualitative research design where the Ammamerɛso Agofomma dance performers and the Head of Performing Arts, all of the Centre for National Culture (CNC), Kumasi, were purposeively and conveniently selected to enact the dance and give narratives on the dance. Through semi-structured interview and non-participant observation, primary data comprising in-depth knowledge on the history, meanings, performance and other dance elements within Bɔsoɛ were collected from the respondents for the study. The results proved that there were aspects of Asante culture within Bɔsoɛ and hence must be viewed as an Asante repository to be communicated well per its cultural contexts to any viewer or appreciator.




加纳的阿桑特人拥有丰富而独特的文化,这有助于该民族在全球的地位。尽管如此,作为阿桑特文化的一个方面,许多传统舞蹈已经濒临灭绝或正在濒临灭绝,因为它们没有在其文化背景下向观众很好地传达,它们的舞蹈元素鲜为人知,表演也较少。因此,本研究的目的是对加纳濒临灭绝的阿桑特传统舞蹈Bɔsoɛ进行文化分析,以便为当代和后代复兴阿桑特文化中失落的部分。该研究采用定性研究设计下的叙事研究方法,其中Ammamerɛso Agofomma库马西国家文化中心 (CNC) 的所有舞蹈表演者和表演艺术负责人都是特意且方便地挑选出来表演舞蹈并讲述舞蹈的。通过半结构化访谈和非参与观察,从受访者那里收集了原始数据,包括对B ɔ so ɛ中的历史、含义、表演和其他舞蹈元素的深入了解。结果证明, Bɔsoɛ中存在阿桑特文化的某些方面,因此必须被视为阿桑特知识库,以便根据其文化背景向任何观众或欣赏者进行良好的交流。
