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Hidden communication codes in flamenco dance choreography
Research in Dance Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2023.2220660
Irene Baena-Chicón 1, 2 , Sebastián Gómez-Lozano 1 , María R. Fernández-Falero 3 , Olaia Abadía García de Vicuña 2 , Alfonso Vargas-Macías 2, 4


Flamenco dance is emblematic of southern Spain. Its performance uniquely combines dancing, singing, and guitar playing. Improvisation differentiates it from other dances and this requires communication codes so that performers remain synchronised. The communication codes are: ‘llamada’, a signal to start singing; ‘remate’, for ending a section; ‘subida’, for speeding up the rhythm; and ‘desplante’, a static pose ending the others communication codes. This article describes these codes and analyses how they are used during performances. Thirty professional flamenco shows have been analysed and at least one of these communication codes was recorded in all these performances. The remate is observed in all; the desplante in 96.6%; and the llamada and subida were both identified in 66.7%. This information is relevant for choreographers, teachers, and students. The incorporation of communication codes into the curriculum for flamenco dance at schools would guarantee that students are properly trained for professional performances.




弗拉门戈舞蹈是西班牙南部的象征。其表演独特地将舞蹈、歌唱和吉他演奏结合在一起。即兴表演与其他舞蹈不同,这需要通信代码,以便表演者保持同步。通信代码是:“llamada”,开始唱歌的信号;'remate',用于结束一个部分;'subida',加快节奏;和“desplante”,一个结束其他通信代码的静态姿势。本文介绍了这些代码并分析了它们在表演中的使用方式。我们对三十场专业弗拉门戈表演进行了分析,并且在所有这些表演中至少记录了其中一种通信代码。全部观察到重交;脱粒率达 96.6%;美洲驼和苏比达的检出率均为 66.7%。此信息与编舞家、教师、和学生。将通信规范纳入学校弗拉门戈舞蹈课程将保证学生接受专业表演的适当培训。
