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Cadmium-Free Kesterite Thin-Film Solar Cells with High Efficiency Approaching 12%
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-30 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.202302869
Nafees Ahmad 1 , Yunhai Zhao 1, 2 , Fan Ye 1 , Jun Zhao 1 , Shuo Chen 1 , Zhuanghao Zheng 1 , Ping Fan 1 , Chang Yan 3 , Yingfen Li 4 , Zhenghua Su 1 , Xianghua Zhang 2 , Guangxing Liang 1

Cadmium sulfide (CdS) buffer layer is commonly used in Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTSSe) thin film solar cells. However, the toxicity of Cadmium (Cd) and perilous waste, which is generated during the deposition process (chemical bath deposition), and the narrow bandgap (≈2.4 eV) of CdS restrict its large-scale future application. Herein, the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method is proposed to deposit zinc–tin-oxide (ZTO) as a buffer layer in Ag-doped CZTSSe solar cells. It is found that the ZTO buffer layer improves the band alignment at the Ag-CZTSSe/ZTO heterojunction interface. The smaller contact potential difference of the ZTO facilitates the extraction of charge carriers and promotes carrier transport. The better p–n junction quality helps to improve the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and fill factor (FF). Meanwhile, the wider bandgap of ZTO assists to transfer more photons to the CZTSSe absorber, and more photocarriers are generated thus improving short-circuit current density (Jsc). Ultimately, Ag-CZTSSe/ZTO device with 10 nm thick ZTO layer and 5:1 (Zn:Sn) ratio, Sn/(Sn + Zn): 0.28 deliver a superior power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 11.8%. As far as it is known that 11.8% is the highest efficiency among Cd-free kesterite thin film solar cells.



硫化镉(CdS)缓冲层通常用于Kesterite Cu 2 ZnSn(S,Se) 4 (CZTSSe)薄膜太阳能电池。然而,镉(Cd)的毒性和沉积过程(化学浴沉积)过程中产生的危险废物以及CdS的窄带隙(约2.4 eV)限制了其未来的大规模应用。在此,提出了原子层沉积(ALD)方法来沉积氧化锌锡(ZTO)作为Ag掺杂CZTSSe太阳能电池中的缓冲层。研究发现,ZTO 缓冲层改善了 Ag-CZTSSe/ZTO 异质结界面处的能带排列。ZTO较小的接触电位差有利于电荷载流子的提取并促进载流子传输。更好的 p-n 结质量有助于提高开路电压 ( VOC )和填充因子 (FF)。同时,ZTO更宽的带隙有助于将更多光子转移到CZTSSe吸收体,并产生更多光生载流子,从而提高短路电流密度(J sc)。最终,具有 10 nm 厚 ZTO 层和 5:1 (Zn:Sn) 比率(Sn/(Sn + Zn): 0.28)的 Ag-CZTSSe/ZTO 器件可提供 11.8% 的卓越功率转换效率 (PCE)。据了解,无镉锌黄锡矿薄膜太阳能电池的效率最高为11.8%。