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Reines Licht: Blindness, Religion, and Morality in Selected Early Grimms’ Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Publications of the English Goethe Society ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-14 , DOI: 10.1080/09593683.2023.2212445
Cameron M. Cross 1


This paper undertakes a disability studies reading of blindness in selected early Grimms Kinder- und Hausmärchen (KHM). I argue for the use of the religious model of disability as a methodology for this reading and develop a new model known as the moral model: as I demonstrate, the religious model locates disability in the individual. In contrast, the moral model — which is often conflated with the religious model — should be a symbiotic methodological approach that locates the disability in the moral fabric of the tales rather than in the individual. My analysis shows that blindness equals damnation in the KHM. Evil characters are punished with it due to sin and a lack of morality, whereas good characters are saved from such a punishment. This salvation often takes the form of miraculous healing, often by God.


Reines Licht:早期格林童话《幼儿园和家庭住宅》中的盲目性、宗教和道德


本文对选定的早期格林姆斯幼儿园KHM)中的失明进行了残疾研究阅读。我主张使用残疾的宗教模型作为这种阅读的方法论,并开发一种称为道德模型的新模型:正如我所证明的,宗教模型将残疾定位于个人。相比之下,道德模式——经常与宗教模式混为一谈——应该是一种共生的方法论,将残疾定位在故事的道德结构中,而不是个人身上。我的分析表明, KHM中的失明等于诅咒。邪恶的人物因罪孽和缺乏道德而受到惩罚,而善良的人物则免受这种惩罚。这种拯救常常采取神迹医治的形式。
