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Nonnegative scalar curvature on manifolds with at least two ends
Journal of Topology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-30 , DOI: 10.1112/topo.12303
Simone Cecchini 1, 2 , Daniel Räde 3 , Rudolf Zeidler 4

Let M $M$ be an orientable connected n $n$ -dimensional manifold with n { 6 , 7 } $n\in \lbrace 6,7\rbrace$ and let Y M $Y\subset M$ be a two-sided closed connected incompressible hypersurface that does not admit a metric of positive scalar curvature (abbreviated by psc). Moreover, suppose that the universal covers of M $M$ and Y $Y$ are either both spin or both nonspin. Using Gromov's μ $\mu$ -bubbles, we show that M $M$ does not admit a complete metric of psc. We provide an example showing that the spin/nonspin hypothesis cannot be dropped from the statement of this result. This answers, up to dimension 7, a question by Gromov for a large class of cases. Furthermore, we prove a related result for submanifolds of codimension 2. We deduce as special cases that, if Y $Y$ does not admit a metric of psc and dim ( Y ) 4 $\dim (Y) \ne 4$ , then M : = Y × R $M := Y\times \mathbb {R}$ does not carry a complete metric of psc and N : = Y × R 2 $N := Y \times \mathbb {R}^2$ does not carry a complete metric of uniformly psc, provided that dim ( M ) 7 $\dim (M) \leqslant 7$ and dim ( N ) 7 $\dim (N) \leqslant 7$ , respectively. This solves, up to dimension 7, a conjecture due to Rosenberg and Stolz in the case of orientable manifolds.



中号 $M$ 是一个可定向的连接 n $n$ 维流形与 n ε { 6 , 7 } $n\in \lbrace 6,7\rbrace$ 然后让 中号 $Y\子集M$ 是一个两侧封闭连通的不可压缩超曲面,不允许正标量曲率度量(缩写为 psc)。此外,假设通用覆盖 中号 $M$ $Y$ 要么都是自旋,要么都是非自旋。使用格罗莫夫的 μ $\亩$ -气泡,我们证明 中号 $M$ 不承认 psc 的完整度量。我们提供了一个例子,表明自旋/非自旋假设不能从该结果的陈述中删除。这回答了格罗莫夫针对一大类案例提出的直至维度 7 的问题。此外,我们证明了余维 2 的子流形的相关结果。作为特殊情况,我们推断,如果 $Y$ 不承认 psc 的度量并且 暗淡 4 $\dim (Y) \ne 4$ , 然后 中号 : = × $M := Y\times \mathbb {R}$ 不带有完整的 psc 指标并且 : = × 2 $N := Y \times \mathbb {R}^2$ 不携带统一 psc 的完整度量,前提是 暗淡 中号 7 $\dim (M) \leqslant 7$ 暗淡 7 $\dim (N) \leqslant 7$ , 分别。这解决了 Rosenberg 和 Stolz 在可定向流形情况下的猜想(直到 7 维)。