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Recreating diasporic identity and community: Examination of transgender and nonbinary latinx healing from family rejection.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-29 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000692
Álvaro Gamio Cuervo 1 , Farahdeba Herrawi 1 , Sharon G Horne 1 , Kerrie G Wilkins-Yel 1

The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of healing from family rejection among transgender and nonbinary Latinx individuals. Participants were asked how they navigated family dynamics related to gender identity and specific behaviors or resources that promoted their healing from experiences of family rejection. Data from 12 interviews with Latinx nonbinary and transgender adults were analyzed through a critical-constructivist grounded theory method resulting in a hierarchy composed of three clusters related to the core category (healing from family rejection leads to the recreation of diasporic identity and community as one learns to live authentically in their ethnic/racial gendered expression). These clusters included recreation of the family system, community-based cultural healing, and autonomy in trans identity and psychological well-being. Relevant contributions to research and implications for psychologists are reviewed: (a) Latinx diasporic identity formation is facilitated through the reconstruction of familial relationships and cultural healing, and (b) chosen family and supportive community networks may adopt the responsibility of ethnic-racial socialization after proximity to family of origin is lost. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



本研究的目的是探讨跨性别者和非二元拉丁裔个体从家庭排斥中康复的经历。参与者被问及如何驾驭与性别认同相关的家庭动态以及促进他们从家庭拒绝经历中康复的特定行为或资源。通过批判建构主义扎根理论方法对来自 12 次拉丁裔非二元性别和跨性别成年人访谈的数据进行了分析,得出了由与核心类别相关的三个集群组成的层次结构(正如人们所了解的那样,从家庭排斥中治愈会导致流散身份和社区的重建)真实地生活在他们的民族/种族性别表达中)。这些集群包括家庭系统的重建、基于社区的文化治疗以及跨性别身份和心理健康的自主权。回顾了对研究的相关贡献和对心理学家的影响:(a)通过重建家庭关系和文化治愈来促进拉丁裔侨民身份的形成,以及(b)选定的家庭和支持性社区网络可以在移民后承担种族社会化的责任失去了与原生家庭的亲近感。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。