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AI Agents as Team Members: Effects on Satisfaction, Conflict, Trustworthiness, and Willingness to Work With
Journal of Management Information Systems ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-17 , DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2023.2196773
Alan R. Dennis 1 , Akshat Lakhiwal 2 , Agrim Sachdeva 1


Organizations are beginning to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) agents as members of virtual teams to help manage information, coordinate team processes, and perform simple tasks. How will team members perceive these AI team members and will they be willing to work with them? We conducted a 2 x 2 x 2 lab experiment that manipulated the type of team member (human or AI), their performance (high or low), and the performance of other team members (high or low). AI team members were perceived to have higher ability and integrity but lower benevolence, which led to no differences in trustworthiness or willingness to work with them. However, the presence of an AI team member resulted in lower process satisfaction. When the AI team member performed well, participants perceived less conflict compared to a human team member with the same performance, but there were no differences in perceived conflict when it performed poorly. There were no other interactions with performance, indicating that the AI team member was judged similarly to humans, irrespective of variations in performance; there was no evidence of algorithm aversion. Our research suggests that AI team members are likely to be accepted into teams, meaning that many old collaboration research questions may need to be reexamined to consider AI team members.




组织开始部署人工智能 (AI) 代理作为虚拟团队的成员,以帮助管理信息、协调团队流程和执行简单的任务。团队成员将如何看待这些人工智能团队成员以及他们是否愿意与他们合作?我们进行了 2 x 2 x 2 实验室实验,操纵团队成员的类型(人类或人工智能)、他们的表现(高或低)以及其他团队成员的表现(高或低)。人工智能团队成员被认为具有较高的能力和诚信,但仁慈程度较低,这导致在可信度或与他们合作的意愿方面没有差异。然而,人工智能团队成员的存在导致流程满意度降低。当人工智能团队成员表现良好时,与具有相同表现的人类团队成员相比,参与者感受到的冲突更少,但当表现不佳时,感知到的冲突没有差异。与绩效没有其他交互作用,这表明人工智能团队成员的评价与人类类似,无论绩效如何变化;没有证据表明算法厌恶。我们的研究表明,人工智能团队成员很可能被团队接纳,这意味着可能需要重新审视许多旧的协作研究问题,以考虑人工智能团队成员。
