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Molecular Mobility in Mixed “Water-in-Salt” Solutions of LiOAc and KOAc According to NMR Data
Applied Magnetic Resonance ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00723-023-01558-3
Vladimir V. Matveev , Olga N. Pestova , Konstantin V. Tyutyukin , Vladimir I. Chizhik

Diffusion coefficients of ions and water have been measured in two- and three-component concentrated (“water-in-salt”) aqueous solutions of KOAc and LiOAc, which were proposed as new electrolytes for water-based Li-ion batteries. It was demonstrated that the diffusion coefficient for acetate anion is greater than for lithium cation one in the KOAc-containing solutions and the difference grows under increasing concentration of potassium acetate. Water diffusion is also faster comparing with lithium cation and acetate anion in all solutions studied. Temperature dependences of spin–lattice relaxation rates (1/T1) of 1H, 7Li, and 39K nuclei have been measured for both ions and water. The dependences do not reach their maxima for most samples, and only for acetate anion in sample IV (31.9 mol KOAc–8.0 mol LiOAc–H2O) it turned out to be possible the reliable calculation of the rotational correlation time τc. Comparison of the translational (via D) and rotational (via τc) mobility of the acetate anion near the eutectic point showed that the Stokes–Einstein relation is valid for this solution only in a small high-temperature part of the studied range, but not for the lower temperatures.


根据 NMR 数据,LiOAc 和 KOAc 混合“盐包水”溶液中的分子迁移率

在 KOAc 和 LiOAc 的二组分和三组分浓缩(“盐包水”)水溶液中测量了离子和水的扩散系数,这些溶液被提议作为水基锂离子电池的新型电解质。结果表明,在含 KOAc 的溶液中,乙酸根阴离子的扩散系数大于锂阳离子的扩散系数,并且随着乙酸钾浓度的增加,差异增大。在所有研究的溶液中,与锂阳离子和乙酸根阴离子相比,水扩散也更快。1 H、7 Li 和39的自旋晶格弛豫率 (1/ T 1 )的温度依赖性离子和水的 K 核均已测量。对于大多数样品,依赖性并未达到最大值,并且仅对于样品 IV 中的乙酸根阴离子(31.9 mol KOAc–8.0 mol LiOAc–H 2 O),事实证明可以可靠地计算旋转相关时间τ c。共晶点附近乙酸根阴离子的平移(通过D)和旋转(通过τ c )迁移率的比较表明,斯托克斯-爱因斯坦关系仅在研究范围的一小部分高温部分对该解有效,但不适用于较低的温度。
