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Experiments and model development of p-nitrochlorobenzene and naphthalene purification in a continuous tower melting crystallizer
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Pub Date : 2023-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2023.06.004
Wenlong Xiao , Yonglin Li , Zhengming Yi , Sheng Yang , He'an Luo

With the increasing demand for high-purity products, the industrial application of melt crystallization technology has been highly concerned. In this study, the purification process of nitrochlorobenzene binary eutectic system (NBES) and naphthalene–benzothiophene solid solution system (NBSSS) in tower melting crystallizer is analyzed, and a mathematical model of crystallization process is established. The key parameters in terms of feed concentration, crystal bed height, reflux ratio and stirring speed efficiency on purification effects were discussed by the established model. The results show that the concentration of p-nitrochlorobenzene was purified from 90.85% to 99.99%, when the crystal bed height is 600 mm, the reflux ratio is 2.5, and the stirring speed is 12 r·min−1. The naphthalene concentration is purified from 95.89% to 99.99%, when the crystal bed height is 400 mm, the reflux ratio is 1.43, and the stirring speed is 16 r·min−1. The quality of the model is evaluated by the ARD (average relative deviation). The minimum ARD values of the NBES and NBSSS are 2.39% and 5.22%, respectively, indicating the model satisfactorily explains the purification process.



随着高纯度产品需求的不断增加,熔融结晶技术的工业应用受到高度关注。本研究对塔式熔融结晶器中硝基氯苯二元共晶体系(NBES)和萘-苯并噻吩固溶体体系(NBSSS)的纯化过程进行了分析,建立了结晶过程的数学模型。通过建立的模型讨论了进料浓度、晶床高度、回流比和搅拌速度效率等关键参数对纯化效果的影响。结果表明,当晶床高度为600 mm、回流比为2.5、搅拌速度为12 r·min -1时,对硝基氯苯的纯度由90.85%提纯至99.99% 。当晶床高度为400mm、回流比为1.43、搅拌速度为16r·min -1时,萘浓度由95.89%提纯至99.99% 。模型的质量通过ARD(平均相对偏差)来评估。NBES 和 NBSSS 的最小 ARD 值分别为 2.39% 和 5.22%,表明模型令人满意地解释了纯化过程。
