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Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of the Impact of Societal Instabilities on Demographic Behavior: A Model Linking Social, Political, Psychological and Demographic Variables
Population Review ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-29
Yuri Frantsuz


The paper proposes a model linking various types of societal instabilities with fertility outcomes. The model incorporates the premises of the extended uncertainty reduction theory, originally developed by Friedman, Hechter and Kanazawa (1994), implying increasing fertility as the means to reduce uncertainty. In the previously published paper on the topic (Frantsuz and Ponarin, 2020) the major premises of the uncertainty reduction theory were explicated, the basic model of using it by linking instability with fertility trends was proposed, and the empirical test of the impact of two types of sociopolitical instabilities on fertility dynamics in the USSR/post-Soviet Russia was performed. In this paper I expand the analysis of the uncertainty reduction theory, supplement the previously outlined general model with the extended one, that takes into account the impact on fertility of societal instabilities of various types, scale and magnitude. I formulate the new assumptions that stem from this elaborated model, the ones leading to a broad array of testable hypotheses. The proposed conceptual framework allows for testing the hypotheses of various instabilities' impact on fertility outcomes in various regions and countries, as well as at different historical periods, even when micro-level data on the individual perceptions of these uncertainties is not available. The importance of such an approach is paramount in the light of problems related to the limited possibilities of performing adequate retrospective qualitative analysis of the individual perceptions of societal instabilities.




该论文提出了一个将各种类型的社会不稳定与生育结果联系起来的模型。该模型结合了扩展不确定性减少理论的前提,该理论最初由 Friedman、Hechter 和 Kanazawa (1994) 提出,意味着提高生育率是减少不确定性的手段。在之前发表的关于该主题的论文(Frantsuz 和 Ponarin,2020)中,阐明了不确定性降低理论的主要前提,提出了通过将不稳定与生育趋势联系起来使用该理论的基本模型,并对两种因素的影响进行了实证检验。对苏联/后苏联俄罗斯生育动态的社会政治不稳定类型进行了研究。在本文中,我扩展了不确定性降低理论的分析,用扩展模型补充了先前概述的一般模型,其中考虑到各种类型、规模和程度的社会不稳定因素对生育率的影响。我根据这个精心设计的模型提出了新的假设,这些假设导致了一系列广泛的可检验的假设。拟议的概念框架允许测试各种不稳定性对不同地区和国家以及不同历史时期的生育结果影响的假设,即使无法获得个人对这些不确定性看法的微观数据。鉴于对个人对社会不稳定的看法进行充分的回顾性定性分析的可能性有限,这种方法的重要性至关重要。规模和幅度。我根据这个精心设计的模型提出了新的假设,这些假设导致了一系列广泛的可检验的假设。拟议的概念框架允许测试各种不稳定性对不同地区和国家以及不同历史时期的生育结果影响的假设,即使无法获得个人对这些不确定性看法的微观数据。鉴于对个人对社会不稳定的看法进行充分的回顾性定性分析的可能性有限,这种方法的重要性至关重要。规模和幅度。我根据这个精心设计的模型提出了新的假设,这些假设导致了一系列广泛的可检验的假设。拟议的概念框架允许测试各种不稳定性对不同地区和国家以及不同历史时期的生育结果影响的假设,即使无法获得个人对这些不确定性看法的微观数据。鉴于对个人对社会不稳定的看法进行充分的回顾性定性分析的可能性有限,这种方法的重要性至关重要。拟议的概念框架允许测试各种不稳定性对不同地区和国家以及不同历史时期的生育结果影响的假设,即使无法获得个人对这些不确定性看法的微观数据。鉴于对个人对社会不稳定的看法进行充分的回顾性定性分析的可能性有限,这种方法的重要性至关重要。拟议的概念框架允许测试各种不稳定性对不同地区和国家以及不同历史时期的生育结果影响的假设,即使无法获得个人对这些不确定性看法的微观数据。鉴于对个人对社会不稳定的看法进行充分的回顾性定性分析的可能性有限,这种方法的重要性至关重要。
