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An Operational Scheduling Framework for Tanker-Based Water Distribution Systems under Uncertainty
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00496
Abhilasha Maheshwari 1 , Shamik Misra 2 , Ravindra Gudi 3 , Senthilmurugan Subbiah 4 , Chrysi Laspidou 5

Tanker water systems play a critical role in providing adequate service to meet potable water demands in the face of acute water crisis in many cities globally. Managing tanker movements among the supply and demand sides requires an efficient scheduling framework that could promote economic feasibility, ensure timely delivery, and avoid water wastage. However, to realize such a sustainable water supply operation, inherent uncertainties related to consumer demand and tanker travel time need to be accounted in the operational scheduling. Herein, a two-stage stochastic optimization model with a recourse approach is developed for scheduling and optimization of tanker-based water supply and treatment facility operations under uncertainty. The uncertain water demands and tanker travel times are combinedly modeled in a computationally efficient manner using a hybrid Monte Carlo simulation and scenario tree approach. The maximum demand fulfillment, limited extraction of groundwater, and timely delivery of quality water are enforced through a set of constraints to achieve sustainable operation. A representative urban case study is demonstrated, and results are discussed for two uncertainty cases: (i) only demand and (ii) integrated demand-travel time. The value of stochastic solutions over the expected value and perfect information model solutions are analyzed and features of the framework for informed decision-making are discussed.



面对全球许多城市严重的水危机,罐车供水系统在提供充足的服务以满足饮用水需求方面发挥着关键作用。管理供需双方之间的油轮运输需要一个有效的调度框架,以提高经济可行性,确保及时交付并避免水资源浪费。然而,为了实现这种可持续的供水运营,在运营调度中需要考虑与消费者需求和罐车行驶时间相关的固有不确定性。在此,开发了一种具有追索方法的两阶段随机优化模型,用于在不确定情况下调度和优化基于油轮的供水和处理设施的运行。使用混合蒙特卡罗模拟和场景树方法,以计算有效的方式对不确定的用水需求和油轮行驶时间进行组合建模。通过一系列约束来实现最大需求满足、有限开采地下水以及及时提供优质水,以实现可持续运营。展示了一个具有代表性的城市案例研究,并讨论了两种不确定性情况的结果:(i) 仅需求和 (ii) 综合需求-出行时间。分析了随机解相对于期望值和完美信息模型解的价值,并讨论了知情决策框架的特征。通过一系列约束条件强制及时提供优质水,以实现可持续运营。展示了一个具有代表性的城市案例研究,并讨论了两种不确定性情况的结果:(i) 仅需求和 (ii) 综合需求-出行时间。分析了随机解相对于期望值和完美信息模型解的价值,并讨论了知情决策框架的特征。通过一系列约束条件强制及时提供优质水,以实现可持续运营。展示了一个具有代表性的城市案例研究,并讨论了两种不确定性情况的结果:(i) 仅需求和 (ii) 综合需求-出行时间。分析了随机解相对于期望值和完美信息模型解的价值,并讨论了知情决策框架的特征。