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Investigation of the Factor Structure and Differential Item Functioning of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM): Analysis of Data from a School-Based Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
Mindfulness ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s12671-023-02166-9
Amy Sanders , Hayley Gains , Ruth Baer , Susan Ball , Benjamin Jones , Hazel Banks , G. J. Melendez-Torres , Obioha C. Ukoumunne


This study used data from a randomised controlled trial of a school-based mindfulness programme in the UK to investigate the structure and performance of the 10-item Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM).


The study included 7924 children and adolescents aged 11 to 14 years. Participants provided CAMM data at pre-intervention, 7 months (post-intervention) and 1 year. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of pre-intervention data was undertaken. Multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) models were fitted to pre-intervention responses to investigate differential item functioning across groups defined by gender, year group and ethnicity. Response shift resulting from receiving the mindfulness programme was investigated by fitting MIMIC models to compare item functioning between the intervention and control arms.


EFA results indicated that the 2-factor model was a good fit. Eight items were associated with the first factor, while the remaining two items, which specifically addressed avoiding unwanted thoughts and feelings, were associated with the second factor. MIMIC model findings indicated that girls scored lower (ostensibly less mindful) on 4 items than boys that had the same latent level of mindfulness; as a result of receiving the mindfulness programme, participants scored lower on one item (“At school, I walk from class to class without noticing what I’m doing”) after holding latent level of mindfulness constant.


Findings indicate that the CAMM has a 2-factor structure in the UK in late childhood and early adolescence. While we did observe some differences in how individual items performed across groups, these differences were small compared to the overall variability in the CAMM scores.


Current controlled trials ISRCTN86619085.




本研究使用英国学校正念项目随机对照试验的数据来调查 10 项儿童和青少年正念测量 (CAMM) 的结构和表现。


该研究包括 7924 名 11 至 14 岁的儿童和青少年。参与者提供了干预前、7 个月(干预后)和 1 年的 CAMM 数据。对干预前数据进行探索性因素分析(EFA)。将多指标多因(MIMIC)模型与干预前的反应进行拟合,以调查按性别、年级和种族定义的各组之间的差异项目功能。通过拟合 MIMIC 模型来比较干预组和对照组之间的项目功能,研究了接受正念计划导致的反应转变。


EFA 结果表明二因素模型拟合良好。八个项目与第一个因素相关,而其余两个项目则与第二个因素相关,这些项目专门解决了避免不需要的想法和感受。MIMIC 模型的研究结果表明,女孩在 4 个项目上的得分较低(表面上注意力不集中),而男孩则具有相同的潜在正念水平;接受正念计划的结果是,在保持潜在正念水平不变后,参与者在一项项目上得分较低(“在学校,我从一个班级走到另一个班级,没有注意到自己在做什么”)。


研究结果表明,英国儿童晚期和青春期早期的 CAMM 具有双因素结构。虽然我们确实观察到各个项目在各组中的表现存在一些差异,但与 CAMM 分数的总体变异性相比,这些差异很小。


目前的对照试验 ISRCTN86619085。
