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Economic and environmental performance of controlled-environment supply chains for leaf lettuce
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-25 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbad016
Charles F Nicholson 1, 2 , Michael Eaton 2 , Miguel I Gómez 2 , Neil S Mattson 2

We assess landed costs and selected environmental metrics for field-based and controlled-environment agriculture greenhouse (GH) supply chains for leaf lettuce delivered to New York City. Landed costs for a GH are 46 to 174 per cent higher than field production, with the lower value for an automated GH located in the peri-urban area. Energy use and global warming potential per kg lettuce delivered were larger for the GH, particularly if located in a peri-urban area. Water use was much higher for the field-based supply chain. Controlled-environment GH technologies will require further development to meet goals for lower costs and environmental impact.



我们评估了运往纽约市的生菜的到岸成本和选定的环境指标,以及基于现场和受控环境的农业温室 (GH) 供应链。GH 的到岸成本比现场生产高出 46% 至 174%,而位于城郊地区的自动化 GH 的价值较低。对于 GH,每公斤生菜的能源消耗和全球变暖潜力更大,特别是如果位于城郊地区。现场供应链的用水量要高得多。受控环境 GH 技术需要进一步发展,以实现降低成本和环境影响的目标。