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Distributions of energy imparted to a micro-volume by secondary charged fragments of nuclear interactions in space radiation field
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00411-023-01034-3
S N Fedotov 1 , V V Kushin 1, 2

The field of cosmic radiation at low-Earth orbit (LEO) has a complex composition. It always contains a component of secondary charged particles, formed by the products of nuclear interactions of the primary high-energy radiation with the nuclei of spacecraft’s shielding material, electronic components and biological matter on board. Generation of this secondary radiation can be observed in some track detectors in the form of “stars” formed by tracks—fragments with a common vertex. The energy absorbed by the medium in the region adjacent to the interaction vertex can reach abnormally high values because of its intersection by several particle fragments. In the present paper, a methodology is considered to calculate the energy imparted by such fragments to a spherical sensitive volume in an aqueous medium. The energy distributions for three fragment events were calculated for different positions of the vertex relative to the spherical volume. The obtained data were analyzed and were compared with the distribution for a uniform fluence of secondary particles. It was shown that as the fragmentation vertex approaches the boundary of the sensitive micro-volume, the probability of events with anomalously high energy transfers, higher than the energies from single fragments, increases. The method can be applied to calculate absorbed energy distributions from secondary radiation in media of different elemental composition than that used in the present work. In the future, it is of interest to apply the method for example to study the energy imparted from secondary fragments to a silicon medium, to quantify the number of single event upsets in electronic components.



